Page 28 of Player Next Door

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She was too stunned to speak. Not in a million years would she have imagined it, but at the same time she wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t known Grady very long, but this was exactly the kind of thing he would do.

“It gets better. Preston Dixon and Dylan Parker are also plugging our men’s line. Holy crap.”

“What do we do?” Reese asked.

“I have no idea. Let me talk to marketing.”

Daria got on the phone while Reese paced her apartment. Daria’s conversation wasn’t long, and when she set down her phone, she couldn’t stop smiling.

“They said they’d handle the social media on this. They also just heard from Sports World, Play Hard, and Whitman’s, and all have said they’ve made the decision to stick with us. They’ve all just placed orders for our menswear!”

Reese crumpled into her chair. Tears were streaming down her face, a rare show of emotion on her part, especially in front of another person. Daria ran over to her, throwing her arms around her boss. Grady may not have single-handedly saved her business, but it was pretty close. His unselfish act had been the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. And when she was done with Jennifer and the scandal she’d never asked for, she was going to go out and buy the most expensive charcuterie board she could find. Solid gold, if it existed.

As if on cue, Reese’s phone rang. John’s name popped up on her screen. She hoped he wasn’t about to burst her bubble.

“Okay, I’ve seen it already,” he said in his gravelly voice before she could get out a hello. “This is good, but you’re not out of the woods yet. Do I need to repeat that?”

“No,” Reese said, her voice heavy with tears.

“And how did you get Grady to do this? He’s very endorsement shy. In fact, he says no to most deals I bring his way.”

“I didn’t ask. He did it on his own.”

“Like I said, this is not going to save us. We still have work to do. But our marketing team is on it, and I have a call in to Grady. Maybe we can have him help us some more. As for you, I want you to continue staying out of sight.”

“Got it.”

When she was done her call, she started searching on her phone.

“What are you doing?” Daria asked. “Please don’t post anything. John will kill us both.”

“I’m not. I’m looking for a charcuterie board.”


Reese walked over to Grady’s door a few hours later. Each time she did this, she felt a little uncomfortable, worried that she she’d be interrupting him if he was with friends or a girlfriend. Not that she’d seen a girlfriend, and she certainly wasn’t going to ask even though she was dying to know. On second thought, she wasn’t sure why she was dying to know. He was hot and had a body that looked amazing in his workout gear, but after the nightmare that was her relationship with Jordy, she needed a break from romantic entanglements.

She knocked on the door and waited a minute. Just as she was about to turn around and head back to her condo, his door swung open. The music coming from inside was louder than it had been the past week or so, but not loud enough that she could hear it from her place. Was that why it had taken him so long to get to the door?

“It’s too loud?” Grady said before she could open her mouth.

“No, I didn’t even hear it. I’m here about what you did.”

He tilted his head in confusion. “What did I do?”

“Seriously? Your social media posts wearing my athletic line.”

“Oh, that? Pfft, that was nothing.”

Her eyes opened wide. “Nothing? You have no idea what you did?”

“Oh damn, was it bad? Have I made things worse?”

She gently slapped him on the arm and laughed. “No, silly! You saved my bacon!”

He smiled now. “Oh, then it’s good.”

“It’s freaking amazing.”
