Page 31 of Player Next Door

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Reese managed to finish her plate of foods. She offered to help with the limited cleanup, but he declined. What she really wanted to do was go home. She’d revealed too much of herself to him and she felt exposed, not that he’d blab it to anyone.

He walked her to the door.

“Tomorrow at 9 a.m.? That work for you?”

“I’ll have to check my very busy schedule,” she said in an attempt to lighten her mood.

“Then 9 a.m. it is,” he said with a smile.

“Thanks again for dinner. The food was great.”

“Well, that’s what friends do. They hang out for greasy nachos. It’s something we’ll have to do more often.”

She paused and looked at him, searching for the pity, but there was none. All she saw was the genuine warmth he’d never stopped offering her. And she couldn’t help the way it made her stomach flip. He was the genuine article.


Reese and Grady worked out with Preston and Dylan again the next morning. She thanked them profusely for the social media shout-outs.

“You guys have no idea the impact you made,” she said as they rested between sets. She had them doing one of her workouts back from her training days, and she had all the guys sweating.

“Grady told us about it. We would love to help anytime. The clothes were amazing. I even made an order last night,” Preston said, taking a gulp of water.

Reese’s brown eyes shot open. “You didn’t have to do that. I could have given you more. We have tons of samples.”

“Nah, but I was thinking that maybe you could give some of the other guys some samples? There are a few guys who are social media savvy. If they like your stuff, you’re going to be sold out everywhere.”

“Totally agree,” Dylan added. “And another thing. Have you considered posting some of your workouts to YouTube? They’re kicking my ass right now. And people are always looking for good workout routines.”

A light bulb switched on. Sure, she wasn’t supposed to be online; John had specifically forbidden it. But…if she could come up with some professionally done workouts to post online, it may gain her some favor. She’d run it past John first. It would probably take weeks to come up with content anyway.

“That is a great idea! Thank you. If my overlord allows it, I’m going to do it.”

“And I could join you for one of those workouts,” Grady said. “You know, to give you a bit of a plug.”

Dylan and Preston exchanged looks and a smirk. Reese wasn’t sure what to make of it, but she wasn’t about to call them out and potentially embarrass Grady. “Sure. That would be cool.”

“I’d offer too, but my wife would kill me,” Preston said.

“Ditto with my girlfriend,” Dylan said. “Sounds like more of a job for the single guy around here.” Dylan pointed at Grady.

Reese had an idea what Preston and Dylan were up to, but she pretended not to. “That’s okay. I’ve got you guys working on distributing my product samples and drumming up support.”

They finished their workout and Reese thanked them again for not only allowing her to join them, but for all they’d done. As they made their way to Grady’s SUV, she could see that he had something he wanted to say. He seemed more antsy than usual, and when they got in his vehicle, he finally spit it out.

“I have an idea.”

“I love ideas.”

He cleared his throat. “My parents have a place up in Muskoka. It’s beautiful, right on the lake. My mom pretty much lives there full time now, and Dad goes as often as he can. I was going to go up there for the weekend. Here’s where my idea comes in. My sister is a social media whiz. She’s always making videos and posting them like crazy. She gets tons of likes because she’s pretty good at them. What if we get her to film our workout video? If it’s not up to snuff, you can hire a professional. But I figure it ticks a lot of your boxes. You can have your vacation and make the video.”

She pursed her lips, feeling strangely confused—not by what he was asking her, but by the feelings his offer inspired. Finally, she said “Sure. I have no idea if John will even allow the video, but it would be fun to make. And I can get you some more samples to wear—that’s if you don’t mind.”

His face beamed. “I’d like that a lot. You’re okay with leaving Friday? Maybe coming back Monday night?”

“My schedule is pretty clear.”

“Perfect. I should probably warn you that my little sister is a superfan. She might dissolve into a puddle when she meets you.”
