Page 33 of Player Next Door

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“Whoever is behind it knows a lot of things. They seem to know a lot about you and a lot about Jennifer. And so far, you’re looking good, so I think John’s making a fuss about nothing. But I have to ask: was Jennifer really that horrible?”

Since the scandal had broken, Reese had told Daria a lot about Jennifer. About the bullying, the relentless harassment, the jealousy. It had never seemed to end, and Daria had been receptive. A shoulder to lean on. Reese considered her a friend, but she also had to respect the fact they had an employee/employer relationship. But sometimes that line was hard not to cross.

“When she quit competing, it was the best day of my life! She was finally gone. Before that, I dreaded going to practice. And what made it worse was that we went to the same middle school and high school.”

“What do you think it was that drove her jealousy?”

“Two things,” Reese said. “I was more talented and that’s something she couldn’t accept. And the second thing was that she was so in love with Cam, and he wouldn’t give her the time of day.”

“Because Cam liked you,” Daria said with a mischievous smile.

Reese rolled her eyes. “Cam and I were a thing for a minute. Then it was over. We both knew we weren’t right for each other.”

“Hmm. You both decided that? Really?”

Reese furrowed her brows. “Yes. It was mutual.”

Daria gave her a long, hard, and skeptical look. “I know when it comes to Cam, you see him differently. And maybe that means you’re not seeing what is really there.”

Reese was genuinely confused. Sure, she knew Cam would do anything for her, but she would do the same. That’s what family did for one another.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“As long as you promise not to fire me, I’ll tell you exactly what I’m talking about.”

“I would never fire you.”

“Then I’ll tell you.” Daria settled more comfortably on Reese’s sofa and smirked just a bit. “That man is so in love, he’d take a bullet for you. I know you don’t see it because you don’t feel that way about him. And I’m pretty sure he knows that. He’s accepted that you’ll never be together, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still have those feelings. Trust me, if I can see it, I imagine Jennifer could see it too. I’ll bet it was even more obvious when you guys were teenagers, with all those hormones raging.”

“For starters, Cam is engaged. He’s in love with someone who isn’t me.”

“That is true. But he can still love you too.”

Reese shook her head. “This is all your romanticized imagination. Cam and I are good friends. That’s it.”

“Sure. Go with that.”

“Don’t you have to get back to the office?”

Daria checked her watch. “I do. This chat was fun. And know that I love you to death, but you really can’t see it?”

“Leave or I will fire you!” Reese said, playfully punching Daria in the arm.

“All right, I’m leaving. If I don’t see you before your getaway, enjoy your time with that hunk of a man. I hope Cam doesn’t get jealous.”

Reese shot one last look Daria’s way before she left. Reese then grabbed theLowdownblog-post copies Marnie had given her. She read through the first two or three and had to stop. Dammit! It was obvious who the blog source was, and she wasn’t happy about it at all.


“Are you the source for theLowdownblog?”

“Thewhatnow?” Cam asked.

Reese grabbed her water bottle and took a long swig. She’d just finished thirty minutes on the elliptical machine she’d had delivered that morning. She wiped some sweat from her brow with a towel, then did a walk around her condo to cool down. “It’s a blog that seems to know a lot about me and Jen. I mean, a ton. And the only person I know who knows that much is you.”

“It’s not me,” he said without hesitation. Cam wasn’t a good bullshitter. If he was behind it, she was certain she’d be able to tell from his voice. And since there was no pitch to it, or his signature laugh-under-pressure quirk, she tended to believe him.

“If you aren’t behind it, then who is?” she said, changing her phone from one hand to the other.
