Page 45 of Player Next Door

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The second she opened any of her social media apps, she was inundated with notifications. She wanted to throw her phone down and not keep looking, but she couldn’t help another peek at the notifications. Good notifications! Did she dare read some of the comments? She closed her eyes and thought about it. Of course there would be bad ones. There was no getting around that, but to see a few positive things? And then she had an idea.

You home?

Grady replied almost immediately.

Yup. Just watching TV.

Can I come over? I need your help with something.


She threw on her sandals and jogged next door. Grady already had the door open for her. She handed him her phone.

“Can you read some of these comments? Good and bad, but not the really horrible ones.”

Grady’s eyebrows furrowed. “What am I reading?”

“Daria posted the video. I think people like it, but I want you to read the comments so I don’t get upset at the really bad ones.”

“I see. I’m your filter. Okay, let’s see.” He skimmed the comments and nodded a few times.

“Well, are you going to tell me?”

“I can, but they all sound the same.”

“Good or bad?” Reese asked, feeling the dread setting in.

“I’d say ninety-five percent good. And most of the comments say that we make a cute couple.”

His lopsided grin and shrug told her that he was just as perplexed by those comments as she was.

“Cute couple? Did Daria imply we’re together?” Reese said, grabbing her phone and reading through the original post. There was nothing there to suggest it.

“Nope. I’m guessing people assumed it. I mean, I’m cute, you’re cute, and two cute people equal a cute couple.”

He may have seen this positively, but she didn’t.

“I’m sorry, Grady. That was never the intention. And I certainly don’t want the stink of my scandal on you. Maybe I should put out a statement. Of course, I’d have to run it past John,” she said more to herself.

“It’s not a big deal. We can both come out and state we are just friends.”

That made sense, but why did it stab at her heart just a little?

“Right. Of course. We should do that.”

“There are a few shitty comments, trolls saying you’re doing this to help your image. Though, I suppose they’re right, so I’m not sure why that’s a big deal. Overall, I think we did what we needed to do.”

Reese grinned. This was what she needed. “If you’re up to it, I’d like to do another of these videos. Maybe a whole bunch? And I would pay your sister for any of the videos, and I’d pay you for your time as well. You both shouldn’t be doing this for nothing.”

“I’m pretty sure my sister would do it for free, and I know for a fact that I’d do it for nothing. I’m not hurting for cash. And I loved doing that workout, so maybe you should be charging me instead. Besides, this is the kind of thing friends do for one another.”

A thought occurred to her. “I could do a few of these videos with Cam. Everyone loves Cam.”

Grady smiled thinly. “Sure, of course. That would be cool too.”

She glanced at him and saw a fleeting moment of disappointment, but he covered it up quickly. “But you are still my number one with these videos. I think you’re more the star than I am,” she said.

“Nah. They want to see you.”
