Page 65 of Player Next Door

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“I’m great. How about you?”

“Really good.”

They stared at each other for a moment before Reese said, “Are we going to keep doing this?”

“You mean not talk about last night?”

“Something like that.”

“Yeah, it will probably get more and more awkward if we don’t.”


Grady nodded. “Okay, I’ll go first. Can I propose something? Something I sort of already ran past you?”


“Let’s have an amazing weekend here and not think about anything else. Let’s enjoy each other’s company. And then we can talk about it later.”

Reese bit down on her lip. She couldn’t have asked for a better proposal. “Just to be clear, you mean more amazing sex, right?”

He laughed and his face couldn’t have been more handsome. “Yes. You said it better than I did.”

“I’m up for that.”

“Can I throw something else out there? Something for you to think about?”

“Of course.”

“I don’t want to put any pressure on you, Reese. Or ruin our hedonistic weekend, but everything I said last night, I meant. I think you’re beautiful and I love every minute I spend with you. When this weekend is over, I don’t want it to just end. I know I’m laying a lot out there for you, and I don’t want to freak you out, but I want you to know how I feel.”

Reese’s throat tightened a bit as she absorbed it all. Her first instinct was to panic, to run, but she found herself nodding. Just like he’d said, they were going to enjoy the weekend. There was time to think about all that other stuff later.

“I appreciate you saying that. And I love spending time with you too. And you’re super hot. But let’s leave that all for later. Just like you said.”

“Good. Now I’m going to take a shower so I don’t smell. Then let’s eat. I’m starving.”

* * *

After a hearty breakfast, Reese and Grady changed into swimsuits and headed to the dock to enjoy the morning. Reese laid out a towel and applied a liberal amount of sunscreen on her too-pale skin.

“Let me get your back,” Grady said.

He squeezed some sunscreen into his hand and slowly massaged it on all her exposed skin. She had on a red bikini with white polka dots. It was cute and had a touch of a retro look. She had always been proud of her figure, and even though she’d never been busty, she filled it out enough to look good.

“All done,” he said proudly.

“Can I return the favor?” Reese asked.

“I’d like that.”

Reese narrowed her gaze. “Don’t like it too much. Your mom is still around.”

“You’re taking all the fun out of it.”

“I am for now.”

They sat on the dock, and as the morning wore on, the heat began to descend. Reese went to refill their water bottles inside, and when she returned, Grady was taking the cover off their motorboat.
