Page 71 of Player Next Door

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“We’re keeping things casual. If something happens, it will happen. But I’m not looking for a relationship. After Jordy…I need a break.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way…nah, take it the wrong way. Your relationship with Jordy wasn’t healthy. It was destructive. Now you don’t have to take my advice, but I think you should give this guy a shot.”

“I want to, but we’ve built a nice friendship together. And if we start a serious relationship, what happens when we break up? I lose a friendship.”

“Whoa.Whenyou break up? Why would you assume that?”

“Because unlike you, I can’t seem to find the right life partner.”

“Because you keep hitching your wagon to the wrong people. I don’t know Grady, but he gives off a different vibe.”

A thought occurred to Reese. “Why don’t you come down here for a few days? Or even overnight? You can meet Grady and we can hang out. I miss hanging out with you. And I trust your opinion. If you think he’s someone I should give a shot to, then maybe I will.”

“Dad wanted me to come into the city and get some documents from his lawyer, so I can definitely stay overnight.”

“Good. And maybe we can do a workout video together?”

“I did say I’d do more of those.”

“Thank you, Cam. You’re the best.”

She’d have both her men under one roof, and nothing could make her happier.


Cam came over a few days later, just when Reese had something to celebrate. John and the PR team had given her the green light to launch her plus-size line. The rollout would be dramatically reduced, with almost no fanfare, but at least the clothes would hit stores and be out of the warehouse. Reese felt a huge weight lifted, and to celebrate, she ordered takeout from a Thai restaurant down the street. Grady was going to be late—he was hanging out with some of the guys after their first team meeting of season—and told her to eat without him.

“I love this place. I’m glad you picked it,” Cam said, diving into his tom yum soup.

“It’s one of my favorites.”

Reese piled chicken satay and fried rice onto her plate. She grabbed a few spring rolls before Cam could claim them all. It was nice to spend some time with him. She’d gone from spending almost every waking minute with him, to spending next to no time with him. And it had left a void. A void two years long that she hadn’t filled very well until Grady had come along.

“Good news about your line finally launching. Things are looking up.”

Reese groaned. “They are, but Jen has an attention-seeking lawyer. Even though my lawyer has all the emails and texts we exchanged, her lawyer isn’t backing off. Basically, if we go after her, we look bad. If we let her keep up this assault on me, we look bad. I’m currently in a no-win situation.”

“I like what you’re doing, though. You are rising above it and moving on. You can’t let her stop you from living your life.”

“But I want to defend myself.”

“That’s what the TV interview is for.”

“I’m looking forward to interview prep,” she said sarcastically.

They finished up dinner and Reese was packing up the leftovers when there was a knock at the door. Cam let Grady in, and the two exchanged pleasantries.

“I was about to put the food away. Are you hungry?” Reese asked.


Grady singlehandedly finished off the leftovers while Reese got coffee started. They would be celebrating her launch with red velvet cake, her favorite. She was taking it out of the box and arranging it on a plate as she listened to Grady and Cam talk sports. Reese was sure that Cam had always wanted to be a star hockey player, but fate had dealt him a different hand, one that had made him just as successful, but maybe not as rich. But what she loved about the conversation was that they liked each other. Cam could barely be in the same room with Jordy for more than five minutes.

Reese took Grady’s empty plate away, not wanting to disturb their intense discussion about draft picks. She returned with a tray of coffee and cake. And then Reese had a thought.

“Let’s take a picture of the three of us.”

They both shrugged and Reese took her phone and set it up on a timer. They moved into place and took several shots. Reese picked the best one and posted it to a few of her social media accounts. The accompanying text was that she was spending time with the two more important men in her life. She knew it was over the top, but she was going with it anyway. She tagged Grady and Cam, then set down her phone.
