Page 78 of Player Next Door

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“Almost half a million. And he’s putting more and more money into the business every month. He can’t go on this way. Mom is looking for a full-time job to help out, and I said I would do what I could.”

“I’d offer to help, but all my extra cash is invested in the business.”

“I would never ask anyway.”

Reese circled back to Cam. “Do you have your money tied up in investments?”

Cam looked confused, but then something seemed to dawn on him. “Reese, I didn’t make that much money post skating. You were the one with all the endorsements. Companies loved using your face and body. I’m not handsome and I don’t appear to be very marketable.”

“But I always thought—”

“It’s okay. Look, I can’t complain about how it was. I made lots of money on tour, enough that my dad doesn’t have to pay me, but I can’t bail him out. Besides, I don’t think he’d let me bail him out.”

Reese hated that Cam’s family was going through this. They were like her real family. “I can try to help.”

“No. Dad’s resigned to the fact he’s going to lose the business. It’s for the best. It’s going to make him physically sick if he doesn’t let it go. He’s still young enough to do work with other contractors.”

“What if I talked to Grady—”

“No! Let it go, please. It’s fine,” Cam said, putting on a mournful smile. “Really, it’s all fine. I didn’t tell you about this sooner because you had your own crap to deal with. Besides, we’re in the final stages of it now.”

“I’m really sorry about all this.”

“I am too, but let’s enjoy our evening together, okay?”

“Okay,” she said reluctantly.

The server came around with their meals and they dove in. Reese took a bite of her cheeseburger and sighed contentedly. It was her favorite, and she made sure she got it every time.

“Enough about me. What’s going on with you?” Cam asked.

Reese dipped a fry into some ketchup and shrugged. Did she want to tell him what had happened at the hospital foundation dinner? She hadn’t told Grady, even though it had shaken her so much that night, she thought she’d be sick.

“I went to a fundraising dinner with Grady. John insisted I go. It was mostly fine, but then this lady caught me in the ladies’ room, and it didn’t go well. She let me know what she thought of what I’d said to Jen when I was fifteen years old.”

“Oh crap.”

“It was awful. I didn’t tell Grady because I didn’t want to ruin the evening. But it bugs me even now.”

“You’re always going to get those kinds of people.”

“And I suppose you saw the Semple article.”

“I did. I wasn’t going to bring it up until you did.”

“I feel like his new series is going to be like an ax waiting to fall. I’ve already told my mom not to speak to him again, and as for my father…well, I have no control over that.”

“Semple’s been trying to get a hold of me, but I politely told him I wasn’t going to participate. As for your dad…”

“Not you too! Grady has already tried the guilt trip. It’s not going to work.”

Cam frowned a little as he watched her trail another fry through her ketchup. She wasn’t going to make eye contact with him because she knew what his face would tell her.

“Your dad did a terrible thing, leaving you behind. I will never argue otherwise, but he loves you like crazy. He was at every competition cheering you on. And I know you’re hurt by what he did, but I’m pretty sure he regrets leaving you.”

Reese’s eyes met Cam’s now. “But he didn’t do anything about it. He could have asked me to come live with him. Instead of making me live with her.”

“He was over an hour from the rink. He probably thought he was doing the right thing.”
