Page 89 of Player Next Door

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“Why are you pushing so hard?”

She closed her eyes for a few seconds. When she opened them again, she had to make a decision. Did she confront him, or hope instead that she could trust him?

“I have a mole, Cam. Someone who is giving information to theLowdown. I don’t know who it is, but I have to stop them.”

Confusion covered his face. “Okay?”

“I sat down with Grady, and we created a list of everyone I knew who had the information that the mole was giving toLowdown. Obviously, it’s not a perfect list, but it has a few key names.”

“I’m not following. What does this have to do with me?”

“You’re on the list.”

His green eyes shot open. “Me?”

“There are others on the list. Hell, Grady is on the list. I had to be honest with myself when I created it, and that means I had to put everyone on it. And I hate that it includes you, but you’re on it.”

“Well, take me off,” he snapped. “I wouldn’t talk to a trash blog like that. Not for any reason.”

She closed her eyes again and took a few calming breaths.

“Lowdownis paying the mole for their information.”

The silence that followed was suffocating.

“Are you suggesting that I would betray you for a few bucks from a garbage blog?”

She rose now and went to him, but he stepped away from her. “I know you’re desperate—”

“Not that desperate! What makes you think I would do anything like that?”

“Your dad needs the money. You just said the blog had an unintended positive consequence. And now you’re telling me you’ve come into some money, but you can’t tell me where or how? Would you blame me if I had just an iota of suspicion?”

“Yes, I would! I have always had your back, and now you think I would stab you in it? You were the one person I could always trust and depend on, and you’re telling me you don’t trust me?”

“If you would just tell me where you’re getting the money from—”

“I can’t tell you! But if you think I’m getting it fromLowdown…I’m not sure we have a friendship anymore.”

“Come on, Cam, don’t say that,” she pleaded.

“You’ve accused me of betraying you. Friends don’t do that.”

“I’m sorry, but—”

“No. I have to go before we say anything else we’re going to regret.”

He left, slamming the door behind him. She ran to her bathroom and threw up.

* * *

Reese had never wished for Grady to be around more than she did the next day. She went into work, tried to call Cam, and texted him when he wouldn’t answer his phone. Then that night, as she crawled into bed, she got a notification of a newLowdownpost. This time it had new information. Another blow she wasn’t prepared for.

Reese and Grady: It’s all fake.

She didn’t read the blog right away, not until her heart stopped beating a million times a minute. When she did read it, the mole had toldLowdowneverything. That it had been John’s idea to rehabilitate Reese’s image and boost Grady’s contract negotiations with the Renegades. That they’d been fake dating for months. No detail had been left out.
