Page 95 of Player Next Door

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Reese composed herself. “Someone from HR will escort you out. I’ll have your personal affects couriered to you.”

“Reese, please! I need you to know that I never wanted you to get hurt. I was protecting you.”

“You’re lucky I don’t sue you! Get out!”

Reese watched Daria turn and slowly leave. Reese followed behind her and slammed her door shut. Slumping into her chair, she tried not to cry, but she couldn’t control the sobs. Now she officially had no one.


Reese took the afternoon off and drove the two-plus hours to London. She waited until she was there to call Cam, and as she expected, he didn’t answer. She left a voicemail to tell him she was in town and wanted to see him. She followed up with a text. She knew Cam checked his phone often, so he would at least see the notifications.

She’d wait as long as she had to. With nowhere to go, she took refuge in a coffee shop. She’d brought along her laptop to do some work, but she kept looking at her phone, waiting for his reply. After two hours, she was certain it was never going to come, and the stares she was getting from staff were telling her it was time to go. She’d reached her car when her phone chimed a text.

I’m at home. You can come here.

Her heart soared. As she drove, she rehearsed what she was going to say. She planned to fall on her sword and beg forgiveness. She hoped the damage she’d done could be reversed.

Cam and Devi lived in a bungalow with a porch. She remembered sitting out there the last time she’d been here, chatting and laughing with Cam and his future wife. Of course, she’d made the journey alone. Jordy had been busy, and Reese had been forced to make up an excuse for his absence. Grady would never have said no, but she shook that thought away. She had to fix relationships one person at a time.

She knocked on the door and Cam answered it a moment later, a steely look on his face. She felt small, hating what their relationship had devolved to.

“Hey,” she said.

“Hello, Reese.”

“I came here to talk. To apologize.”

She could see him weighing his options, but eventually he stepped aside to let her in. She followed him into the small dining room where he motioned for her to sit down as he did the same.

“I really screwed up, Cam. I’m sorry. I should have never accused you of being the mole, but I had no idea who it was. The only thing I did know was that it was someone close to me that I trusted a lot. That left you and Daria.”

His expression remained cold. “I assume you’ve concluded it’s Daria.”


“Maybe you should have accused her first.”

He wasn’t giving her an inch and she tried not to panic. “I should have never doubted you. You’ve been my rock. My best friend forever, and I hope I haven’t thrown our friendship away. I can’t stress enough how sorry I am for being so stupid.”

“I would have never betrayed you.”

“I got fixated on your dad’s predicament and that you needed the money so badly. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

Still, his expression didn’t change. “Why would I go to some blog and tell them about my dad’s business? It doesn’t make sense.”

“When you mentioned that it had an unintended positive consequence, it got me thinking.” She didn’t tell him that John had suspected the same thing.

“First of all, I’m not smart enough to come up with a scheme like that. And I would never stab my best friend in the back.”

Reese covered her face with her hands. “If I could take it all back, I would. I hate that we’re not talking. I hate that I didn’t trust you or believe you. I’m hoping you can please forgive me.”

“Do you have any idea how I felt after I left your place? Like I’d lost my best friend. I was already dealing with my dad, and then that? It felt like my world was crumbling around me.”

“I’m sorry, Cam. That’s my fault. Daria was in my ear about you having a thing for me and that maybe Grady was jealous about it. It was all stupid and fed into everything.”

“I get that I may have given you reason to be suspicious, but when I told you I couldn’t share what I had in the works, you should have respected that.”

“I know.”
