Page 11 of Book Me, Baby

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Why does it feel strange?

I step outside of the door and lock it behind me, turning my back and making my breathing slow deliberately. I don’t want to face that dang door.

I hear a car door open and close and I jump when a hand touches my shoulder. Whirling, I scream.

“Aaah!” I shout.

“Whoa! Hey, it’s just me! What’s wrong?”

I bend over, my heart racing and my pulse pounding in my ears. “Sh…shoot.”

“Are you okay? Did something happen?”

I finally manage to catch my breath and stand up, only to find him eyeing the parking lot like he’s about to kick somebody’s butt. “It’s fine,” I say breathlessly.

“Really? It doesn’t look fine. What happened, Hartley?”

I cock my head, thinking back. Trying to remember exactly what it was that set me off.

“I’m not really sure. I realized that everyone was gone and I spent too long reading.” His dark brows lift. “Yes, I know. But I really liked the story. So I lost track of time and then when I walked out of the building, it felt like someone was watching me.”

His head darts left and right and his hand goes down to his gun. “Why? Did you see something? Hear something?”

I think back and I feel like I saw something. “I think I saw a flash of white out of the corner of my eyes when I went to turn my back.”


I point over to the left side. Where my car is.

“Shit. You stay here.”

My eyes widen as he carefully creeps around the building. Even though I know if there’s anybody here, they’ve already seen him.

He knows it too but he still checks the whole building and the parking lot. Then he comes back around to me and holds out his hand. “I need your keys.”

I start to argue with him about it but then just hand them over. I want him to check my car. So if I complain, I’m only hurting myself.

After he checks it out, he comes back and hands them to me. “I’ll follow you home.” His eyes are still darting back and forth and he’s obviously a bit jittery. I don’t know if it’s because of what I said or if he saw something.

And when I climb into my car, I know I’m not gonna ask. Because if there’s really a reason to be afraid, I’m just not sure I wanna know.



Following her little car, I keep my eyes on the road ahead and behind us. She said she felt like someone was there. And I agree with her. I saw some spots around the building where the grass looks a little crushed down. Like someone was standing there for awhile.

And I know better than most people, if you feel like something is off. Like someone is watching you. Or there’s a problem. Oftentimes there is.

I keep my eyes peeled. If it was just me, I’d be alright. But it makes me jittery that she felt like something was wrong.

I still don’t understand why anyone would target Hartley or the library.

But I don’t like it.

So for now, I’m going to be stuck to that woman like fucking glue. Which is where I want to be anyway. Ever since I saw her lying there in that fucking blaze, I can’t stay away from her.

My radio blares and I pick it up. “Yeah?”
