Page 20 of Book Me, Baby

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“Fine. I’ll take you.”

He picks me up in his arms and I can’t help it. I gasp and grab his shoulders.

But he just smiles, staring into my eyes and carries me over to where Gary is having a pen light flashed in his eyes. I only hope they blind him.

He looks up at me and grunts. “What do you want, bitch?”

Booker growls and tries to set me down, reaching for his gun. I swat him. “No. Do not do it, Booker.”

He continues some kind of low, primal growl under his breath and I glance down at Gary, smiling when he looks a bit unnerved.

“Yeah. He doesn’t like you much. You might want to keep that in mind. If I were you, I’d go ahead and confess. Get put in a nice, safe prison cell far away from him. Because if you stay around him for too long, he might just slip up and accidentally hurt you real bad.”

“Why would he do that?” He asks, glaring at me.

“Because this woman is going to be my wife. And if you ever touch her or even look at her…I’m gonna kill you in the most painful way that I can think of.”

Gary pales but like a dumbass he can’t keep his mouth shut. “I’ll be sure and say some really nice things about you in court, bitch.”

Booker pales and his mouth tenses, his jaw so tight that I swear to god it looks like it’s made of rock. He slowly starts to set me down and I shriek, hollering at everyone in the vicinity.

“Get him out of here before Booker kills him!”

There’s a mad scramble and the chief grabs hold of Booker while at least four guys grab Gary and start shoving his ass into an ambulance and get him the hell out of here.

“Don’t make a mistake here, Booker. He’s not worth it. Why don’t you go ahead and run Hartley into the hospital and we’ll take care of this for you. It’s practically wrapped up anyway.”

Booker nods and I sigh in relief. His blazing green eyes turn to me. “Thanks for getting him out of here.” He sighs and carries me over to his car. “I’d rather kill him but we need him alive.”

He settles me in the seat and carefully buckles the seatbelt around me. “Now let’s get you taken care of and then home. And once you’re cleared by your doctor, I’m gonna make sure that you stay in bed until I’m good and done with you.”

I lean over and kiss him on the cheek and hold my hand out to him. “I’ll never be done with you.”

His green eyes are so full of love and light that it radiates out of him, warm and wild. “Good. Ditto.”

Laughing, he gets in the driver’s seat and puts the car in gear, hitting the siren and smirking when I roll my eyes.

“Nothing is more important than you.”

That goes the same for me. It took nearly dying twice but I know what matters the most now. Love. Home. Family. Security.

And they’re all wrapped up in this man. My dirty-talking lawman with the sexy green eyes and smile that could charm the devil.

Luckily for me, I’m used to dealing with the devil. There’s a lot of that around.

But none like my Booker. I smile and touch his hand when he turns to blow me a kiss while he slams the gas pedal down to the floor and almost takes out Mrs. Johnson, who glares at him as he hollers, “Sorry!”out the window.

“You really need to get anger management classes, Booker.”

He just laughs and shoots me a sparkling smile. “I will if you will!”

We reach the hospital and he carries me in, refusing to let me go. Until the doctor pronounces me good to go.

Then he drives me home, carries me upstairs and helps me wash up, grabbing one of his shirts out of the drawer and then helping me slip it on.

And all night long he holds me and cradles me gently, whispering that he loves me. He’ll always protect me.

“I love you, Booker.”
