Page 21 of Book Me, Baby

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“Love you more, Red.”

Epilogue: Booker

“I’m begging you, baby. Please stop climbing up that ladder every time my damn back is turned.”

She sighs. “Which one of them called you this time?”

Jenny pops her head around the shelves and smiles. “Hey, Sheriff!”

“Jenny, what did I tell you about calling my husband.”

I growl and stalk up to the ladder, gently picking her off of it and setting her down gently. “The doctor told you to stay off of the ladders. Which part of that didn’t you understand?”

“I’ve told you and the doctor that I’m very careful.”

“Careful don’t cut it when you’re carrying my baby, Hartley. Let’s go, Red. We need to go home and discuss this.”

“I don’t want to go home. I’m working.”

“Not now you’re not. Since I can’t trust you to stay off of the damn ladders, you can just sit at home until that baby pops.”

“That’s two weeks away.”

“Yes and if I need to, I can call the doctor and get you on bed rest for the last two weeks.”

“You wouldn’t!” She gasps and her perfect pink lips pout out like I just threatened to take away her favorite toy.

“I would. And I will. Our little boy is going to be here in two weeks and then you’ll be able to go back to normal. You can crawl up as many ladders with books as you want.”

“But not until the baby’s born, Red.”

I haul her out of the library, waving at several pedestrians like nothing is going on. Old Mrs. Edwards titters like a schoolgirl.

“Hello, Sheriff. What a beautiful day! How are you doing, Hartley?”

She waves and smiles. “I’m good. Just taking a little break.”

“That’s so sweet. How are things going with the baby?”

“Going great! He’s due any day now. We’re very excited!”

She snickers. “I can tell.”

I snort. “We need to go home. I’m on my lunch break and Hartley needs to rest.”

“See you later, dear.”


I get her home in five minutes and walk upstairs with her. Then I drop her lightly. “Don’t make me handcuff you right now. I’m due back at work.”

She smirks. “I’ll save that for later then.”

“You do that. And make sure you’re wearing that red teddy when I get home. I’ve got plans for you.”

She giggles but finally listens.

And when I come home, I almost drop to my knees. Because she’s waiting…an angel dressed in red, her red hair flowing around her shoulders and her rounded belly straining the seams.
