Page 3 of Book Me, Baby

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There’s something about the curvy little librarian that makes my dick hard. And the addition of the handcuffs?

I’m apparently a really sick fuck.

I pull around back of the sheriff’s department and then park the car in my space, taking a deep breath.

I had to do it right? She broke the law. But the problem is, I think that I’m about to get in a lot of trouble. Miss Hanover is very popular. And she’s a genuinely nice person usually.

Not with me. But with everybody else she is.

So to tell people that she’s awful and broke the law, that’s why I arrested her is gonna be a tough sell.

I growl under my breath when I pull her out of the car, carefully protecting her head. She glares at me out of her pretty golden brown eyes and her glorious red mane brushes my cheek.

I can smell the soft, sweet floral perfume she wears and she’s got a pretty little pink skirt that hits her knees and barely skates along her thick thighs. She’s got a little lightweight sweater in soft pink knit and she looks like a damn wet dream. With her tortoiseshell glasses sitting low on her pert nose so that it looks like she’s about to tell me to shut up, her eyes blazing at me over the top of the glasses, she has my dick hard again.

I don’t remember ever having a librarian fetish before but apparently I do now. Or at least for one librarian.

I head inside and then open the back door to the cell until I can book her.

Cannon is sitting at the desk and jumps up when he sees me walking in with a prisoner. But his jaw drops when he sees the prim librarian. “Umm. Miss Hanover? You good?”

She smiles at him even though she’s flushed. “I’m good, Cannon.”

I push her inside the door a little harder than I planned, glaring at Cannon. “Why aren’t you paying more attention to the prisoners, McCall?”

Both Hartley and he look around the empty cells and he raises a brow. “I don’t know, sir. I’m not sure what I was supposed to do.”

Rolling my eyes, I glare at her. “Don’t cause any trouble, Red.” Then I put her in the cell and close the door, not really sure why I feel so damn guilty all of a sudden.

McCall ambles over and starts talking to him about a book he’s reading that he borrowed from the library. She apparently recommended it and he loves it.

Fucking peachy! I rub my forehead. This just keeps getting better and better.

I was hoping that things would settle down since last month when my idiot brother finally started to grow a pair. Right when he got a woman on vacation knocked up.

I always knew it would take a lot to get him serious about anything. Unplanned pregnancy was apparently it for him.

I shuffle paperwork on my desk and then growl under my breath when I realize that I’m trying to peek around the damn door to see if I can see her.

I can still hear the murmur of her and McCall’s voices. I hear her laugh softly and it has me wanting to run out there and…I don’t really know what I want to do. Except to get between the newest department deputy and Hanover.

He’s a good-looking guy. At least as tall as my six foot three. Built like a brick shithouse, like they say. But he’s always smiling and happy and I can hear him laughing at her last comment.

Gritting my teeth, I gather up the paperwork and stomp back out to get her processed.

I get everything set up and then walk over to her, standing to stare down at her in the cell.

I do not like to see her locked up. It feels like something kicked me in the damn gut.

She glares back at me and then that smart mouth opens. “Come to beat me with a rubber hose or something, Sheriff?”

Shaking my head, I unlock the cell. “Let’s go. I need to get you processed.”

She stands up and waits for me to grasp her arm. “Well, goodness. That does sound like a good time.”

Sighing, I pull her over and stand her in front of the little camera setup. She smiles when I go to take the picture and I pull back to glare at her.

“Don’t smile! This is a mugshot.”
