Page 12 of No To The Grump

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Both his eyes twitch at the same time. “That’s right,” he grunts. “Damn tooting right.”



Well, sheep cheese, my cheese. She’s actually going to eat it.

I came out of the house and changed from my rubber boots and work clothes into another pair of worn-in jeans with old stains showing on the fabric but clean nonetheless. I even threw on a fresh flannel shirt. It’s too warm for the evening. I don’t know why I bothered changing since now I’m sweating it out under the big old maple tree.

I refuse to acknowledge that I changed because I wanted to smell fresh for Nina. I also refused to bring a blanket, so we’re sitting on the grass, and Little Miss Rainbows Galore Princess isn’t one bit disturbed about that.

I found a sleeve of crackers to pair with the masterpiece that is my sheep cheese. I’m darn proud of it. This particular batch was made with herbs and spices, and the outside is coated in nuts. It looks like one of those cheese balls made from goat cheese that you’d find in the store, but there’s nothing better than homemade. My cheese would blow any store cheese straight out of the cheese park.

Half of me doesn’t want Nina’s approval. That’s the same half that doesn’t care if she likes the cheese or not. Then there’s the other half that is so proud of my creation, my sheep, and this wholeplacethat I want to see her smile after she puts the cheese in her mouth, not gag.

She takes a cracker, and I watch her hands. They’re small, dainty hands with pale skin that would probably burn with prolonged time out in the sun, so thank goodness we’re shaded, and it’s late evening right now. I focus on her face, not her lush curves in my clothes. But my dick still pulses regardless because he’s literally a dick and totally brainless. He reacts to basic biology, not logic.

Damn him, anyway.

The cheese is perched on a blue and white plate, the crackers sitting on the edge in their plastic package since I opened them and set them there. Nina watched me for a few seconds, but now she’s reaching for a cracker. The plastic rustles and I hear at least three sheep bleating and one solid bark in response, but we’re still alone over here. No cats come running for cheese, which is astounding given that it’s their favorite, and they will literally hunt it down from one end of the yard to the other.

Nina dips the round cracker into the edge of the cheese and then brings it to her mouth without hesitation. I’ve met hardier individuals who wouldn’t try my cheese just because they can’t get over the sheep part of it.Baa them,I always thought. They’re the ones missing out.

Nina doesn’t miss out.

She chews, then makes a little moaning noise that causes the hair on my arms to jump straight to attention. I’m not going to comment about what else is trying to stand up after that little foodgasm sound.

“Holy crapper. This is really good. I can’t believe you made this.” She finishes off the cracker, letting out another soft moan again.

I have a terrible impulse to grab the cheese plate and those crackers and go tearing off, my legs pounding under me as I get away from this woman as fast as I can.

Gah, those little moans.

Her eyes closed in pure adoration.

And that wide smile, a few cracker crumbs clinging to the full curl of her top lip.

“I did, though,” I say tightly as though I’ve been bunged up for a good week. “Make it.”

“From your sheep,” she adds.

“Their milk,” I clarify.

“I can’t believe you milk your sheep.”

“Just about anything can be milked.”Classy. Wow.

Her pretty and infectious grin gets even wider, her eyes a little brighter and starrier. “And you call me the crazy one.”

Even after her terrible road trip and the horrible experience of finding out aboutme, sleeping in her car, and her car breaking down, her spirit is still pretty much unbroken. The three-hour nap she had on my bed must have refreshed her. It was only supposed to be an hour, but then I didn’t have the heart to wake her up, so I went for a walk to check on her car. And finding it majorly fucked, I made a quick plan, or Operation Get Her Out Of Here As Quickly As Possible, and that spurred me into calling the tow truck.

“I don’t know if you’re crazy or not. Your ideas about the lawyer and the whole just getting in your car to come and find me were, though.”

“I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be.”Infuriatingwoman. Wild, beastly, absolutely maddening woman. She turns insults into compliments so easily that it makes my head spin. Never mind rainbows, a new, exotic perfume is probably created when she farts.

“I could tell. But that’s the fun part of life. Turning things upside down and finding the good in the bad.”
