Page 16 of The Fortunate Son

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Ivan shook his head. “Kindness shouldn’t be a rare occurrence. I’m sorry I gave you a reason to make those leaps in judgment.”

The urge to lean forward and test the suppleness of Ivan’s lips was almost too strong to resist. Those thick thighs looked as if they were made to cradle Rory’s weight. Ivan’s broad chest would make the best pillow, and his brawny arms would hold Rory safely. How nice would it be to curl up on his lap like one of his cats?

“You look like you’re ready to crash,” Ivan said.

Rory tried to nod, but his head was too heavy to lift. He held his hand up to show his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “Maybe a little.”

“You need a power nap,” Ivan suggested.

“Have work to do. Harry is expecting me.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Ivan promised. “The others might fear her, but I don’t.” Ivan stood up, cupped Rory’s bicep, and helped him up.

“Your bed or mine?” Rory asked.

Ivan snorted. “I’m going to settle you on the couch. If I put you in bed—”

“You’ll do wicked things to me?”

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” Ivan teased.

“You bring it out in me. I swear I’m not like this with anyone else.”

“Uh-huh,” Ivan said as they reached the couch. “This is the perfect spot for napping. Just ask the cats.”

The sofa might’ve looked outdated, but it was a pillow of perfection for Rory’s weary body. Ivan unfolded the throw blanket from the top of the couch and draped it over him. Though Rory’s eyes were heavy, he couldn’t seem to stop tracking Ivan’s movements through the room. It surprised Rory when Ivan sat down in the recliner and retrieved a book from the armrest. The cats came running, thinking they were getting another treat but settling for cuddles when none were forthcoming. The last thing Rory remembered was thinking how lucky those cats were.

Ivan knocked on Cash’s doorjamb to get his attention. His boss looked up from the paperwork on his desk and smiled. “What’s up?”

“I just got off the phone with Roberto,” Ivan said casually as if his heart wasn’t trying to beat out of his chest. “He let me know that he’ll be in the area much sooner than he expected and wants to move the interview up.”

“Great news.” Cash picked up his phone and tapped the screen before meeting Ivan’s gaze. “When will he be here?”

Ivan’s stomach pitched, threatening to reject his breakfast. He was already nervous about his meeting with Valentino Russo in Denver and the phone call from Roberto might just push Ivan over the edge. “Um, Sunday.”

Cash narrowed his eyes. “Next Sunday?”

“No,” Ivan replied. “In two days.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not ready.”

Cash’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow. I’m glad he’s eager to meet with us, but the timing presents a problem. Nick arranged for me to meet with some FBI agents who specialize in cult investigations this weekend. I leave tomorrow morning and might not make it back in time.” Cash rose from his chair and crossed the office. “Don’t you dare reschedule this meeting,” he said firmly. “You’ve worked too damn hard to blow this opportunity. Talk to Rory. Get some tips and pointers. The kid is a damn natural in front of a camera.”

Ivan nodded because words failed him. On one hand, he knew Cash was right, but he was too fixated on his past experiences to focus on what his future needed. He forced a nod and said, “I’ll talk to him before I leave for Denver.”

Cash squeezed his arm. “You’re going to do great. I promise.”

Ivan wasn’t convinced but he nodded and headed to the kitchen to find Rory. If he put off asking for help, he might not do it. Best to get this conversation behind him since he needed to get cleaned up and on the road to Denver soon. Ivan found Harry stirring something on the stove that smelled delicious.

“Where’s Trouble?”

She pointed to her chest and said, “You’ve found it.”

“Trouble Junior, then,” Ivan said.

Harry snorted. “Rory is collecting eggs with Tyler and Owen.”

He suspected shenanigans were afoot if those two were involved and headed that direction. He could ask Rory for his help and make sure he didn’t get caught up in whatever schemes the troublesome twosome had cooked up.

After Monday’s conversation, Ivan attempted to find the right balance of give and take with Rory. Something about the guy incited a surge of protectiveness he normally reserved for the people he loved dearly. Rory didn’t fall into that category. Hell, Ivan wasn’t sure he even liked the guy, but he admired the effort Rory put into every task. It didn’t matter how big or small; the guy gave it his all. Ivan wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. The guys who’d been the most reserved around Rory had all warmed up to him. Owen looked a little worried that Rory’s shine drew Tyler too close to his orbit, but Owen had nothing to worry about there. Ivan figured eventually those two would figure out their bond extended beyond friendship, but that was their business.
