Page 31 of The Fortunate Son

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“I love having your marks on me,” Rory said, his eyes begging Ivan to do it again.

“I loved seeing them on you,” he confessed. “The next ones will be for my eyes only.” Ivan trailed his hand over Rory’s ribcage and down to his hip, dipping even lower to graze over his erection. Ivan settled his hand between his legs and pressed fingertips against Rory’s inner thigh. “Right here.”

Rory moaned and fisted Ivan’s shirt. “Yes, please.”

Urgency became desperation, digging its razor-like talons into Ivan’s soul, but he resisted. Ivan slid his fingertips beneath the supersoft material of Rory’s shirt and brushed the smooth skin above his low-rise jeans. Rotating his wrist, Ivan slid his callused fingers beneath the denim waistband and found unencumbered access to the smooth skin below. Ivan growled when he realized Rory had been bare beneath his jeans the entire night. Inching his curious fingers lower, he stroked them over Rory’s erection. Ivan recalled the feel of Rory’s dick jerking in his hand, the splash of hot cum on his fingers, and the scent of his release tickling his nose. And now he would get to see all those things.

Ivan pulled his hand back and hooked his finger in Rory’s belt loop. This time, Ivan walked backward while Rory attacked his mouth with renewed fervor and worked Ivan’s shirt loose from his jeans.

“Lights on this time,” Rory insisted. “I want to see every glorious inch of you. I want to see your face when you fill my ass.”

Ivan growled and forgot all about his determination not to mark Rory’s neck. He fastened his lips to his flesh and nipped and sucked until they stumbled into his bedroom. Ivan didn’t bother to close the door. Dylan was gone for the night, and he was nearly too far gone to care otherwise. A glance at the bed revealed his cats lounging on the bedspread.

“Daddy’s got company, boys,” he said.

They didn’t budge from their cozy spots until Rory leaned forward and bit Ivan’s nipple through his shirt. Ivan let out a hiss, and the felines bolted out the door. Rory shoved his hands under Ivan’s shirt and pushed the material up and over his head. Hot lips pressed open-mouthed kisses across Ivan’s chest just as they had this morning. Rory’s tongue tasted and swirled against his skin each time it landed. He sucked one nipple into his mouth, then the other. Ivan cupped the back of Rory’s head, holding him in place, but Rory wriggled free and continued his worship lower. He rubbed his face against Ivan’s happy trail as he dropped to his knees between Ivan’s feet. Rory tilted his head enough to peer up at him from beneath a fan of dark eyelashes, and the conqueror became the conquered.

Maybe that’s what Ivan had been missing this entire time—someone he could relinquish his control to. That he would give it to someone he’d known so little time blew his mind. Ivan saw the curve of a smile forming on Rory’s gorgeous lips seconds before they pressed against his belly. Rory nipped, sucked, and teased the flesh there, leaving his own marks behind. Ivan’s core muscles quivered and quaked when Rory unfastened his jeans and tugged them down to his thighs. Only his briefs separated his cock from Rory’s hungry mouth. He tongued Ivan’s cockhead through the fabric, making the wet spot already there larger. Warm palms landed against his upper thighs and slipped upward until the tips of Rory’s fingers brushed against the swell of his balls.

“Christ, I can’t wait to have you in my mouth.”

Ivan cupped Rory’s chin and brushed his thumb over his lips. “Prove it.”

Rory’s eyes burned with intensity, and Ivan briefly wondered if he’d accept the challenge or defy it. Rory didn’t keep him guessing for long. He hiked the leg band up on one side to reveal the wet and very eager head of Ivan’s dick. Rory leaned forward to tongue the frenulum, lick the precum pearling at his slit, and suck the swollen head into his mouth.

Ivan’s hips snapped forward, seeking more delicious friction against the supersensitive spot. Rory pressed his forearm against Ivan’s thigh to still him.

“One of these days, I’m going to make you come just from this,” Rory said. He continued teasing and tasting Ivan, working that sweet spot until his legs trembled, and some day was nearly now.

Rory sat back on his haunches and continued petting Ivan’s thighs. Rory’s wicked fingers brushed against the underside of his balls and the head of his dick still poking out the side of his briefs. “God, I love these thick, hairy thighs. I’ve been thinking about them all day and how I’m going to brace myself against them when I ride you.”

Rory’s fervent need for him went straight to Ivan’s head—both of them. Rory pulled Ivan’s briefs down to his thighs and reduced his five senses to one when he took the length of Ivan’s dick into his hot mouth. Lust surged inside him, making him believe he was every bit the conqueror Rory saw. Ivan’s chest swelled with the ferocious roar cresting inside. But the pressure escaped from his lips in a needy whimper when Rory fondled his balls with the perfect amount of tension. It was like a mighty lion opening his mouth to roar but a tiny kitten’s meow came out instead. Ivan was too far gone to care. Wet, hot suction worked up and down the length of his cock, but the changing pace, angle, and intensity kept him off-balance.

Rory pulled back suddenly as he stopped and rocked back on his heels to catch his breath. His lips were swollen, cherry red, and slick with saliva. Ivan had never wanted to kiss anyone as much as he wanted to kiss Rory in that moment. He extended his hand to Rory and pulled him to his feet, claiming the mouth that had worked him to a fevered pitch. Ivan went to work on Rory’s clothes and didn’t stop until he’d revealed every inch of smooth, golden skin. He wanted to know how bronze Rory’s skin would get beneath the scorching summer sun, preferably from lazing naked in Ivan’s arms after vigorous sex. He knew tons of spots on the ranch that would make excellent rendezvous points. Ivan rested his hands on Rory’s hips and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

Rory flung his arms around Ivan’s neck and pressed his nude body against his partially clothed one. “I was just about to say the same thing about you.” Ivan had never thought of himself as handsome, let alone beautiful. Maybe Rory read Ivan’s disbelief in his expression because he cupped his bristly cheek and said, “Absolutely breathtaking.”

The night had taken a drastically different turn from the one Ivan had envisioned all day, but he wasn’t disappointed. What they’d shared in the predawn hours was raw and gritty and beautiful in its simplicity. The energy sparking between them now was layered and maybe a little confusing but made gorgeous by the complexity. Rory was filling a void Ivan didn’t know existed. Ivan recognized the same wondrous emotion shining back at him in Rory’s luminous gaze.

Rory shoved Ivan’s pants and underwear all the way off until they both stood naked. His fist immediately found Ivan’s dick and worked it up and down a few times before he let go and led Ivan to the bed. Ivan climbed onto the mattress first, and Rory was on him before he could lie down. Wrapping his arms around Rory’s waist, Ivan rolled him onto his back. It was his turn to do some exploration with his hands and mouth. Ivan was very thorough, and Rory was both responsive and vocal about what pleased him most.

Rory let out a soft gasp when Ivan kissed the back of one knee. “I didn’t even know I liked that.”

Ivan nibbled the inside of his calf. “Let’s find out what else you like.”

The urge to possess and claim was strong, but Ivan overrode it. He kept his touch gentle and steady, committing every shiver, moan, and plea to memory. When Ivan dug his thumbs into the arch of Rory’s foot, he arched his back and cried out. Ivan turned his head and dropped a kiss there before lowering Rory’s foot and inching higher up his body. The higher he climbed, the wider Rory spread his legs, revealing his tantalizing inner thighs. Ivan spent a lot of time there, kissing, nibbling, and rubbing his beard against the sensitive flesh until it was a pretty shade of red. Only then did he turn his full attention to Rory’s leaking dick.

Ivan took his time kissing and rolling Rory’s silky-smooth balls in his hand. They were as different as night and day; Rory was all soft and polished to his rough and hairy, but he loved their differences.

Rory fisted his hands in Ivan’s hair and dragged his mouth over to where he wanted it most. “Suck me.”

Ivan fought the urge to salute him and took Rory’s dick into his mouth instead. He gave Rory a taste of his own medicine, keeping his sucks shallow and slow and not taking him down to the root like the squirming man beneath him wanted. The sexy little growls drove Ivan wild, so he used his broad shoulders to keep Rory’s legs spread wide so he could tease his pretty pink pucker. Wetting his middle finger with saliva, Ivan traced the crinkled rim while Rory yanked his hair and cried, “Deeper.”

Was he talking about his mouth or the finger at his entrance? Ivan gave him both, taking his cock down to the root and pushing his finger in to the second knuckle.

“About fucking time,” Rory yelled. “I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me.”

Ivan let Rory’s dick slip free from his lips and met his gaze. Rory’s eyes were wide and desperate, but Ivan wasn’t done with him yet. “You’re not going to die.” He eased his finger free and left the bed long enough to retrieve the bag with the lube. He lifted the container of cookies and grinned wickedly.
