Page 42 of The Fortunate Son

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With his head still tipped back and eyes closed, Ivan said, “No.”

Rory pressed his toe harder against his anus, and the big man shivered. “Not even a finger?”


This was something Rory could give Ivan that his hookups and first love hadn’t…if he was interested. Judging by the moans coming from his throat when Rory circled his puckered rim, Ivan was very, very interested. But he wanted to hear the words. “Do you want—”

“Yes,” Ivan said eagerly.

Rory chuckled. “How curious are you?”

Ivan lowered his head and looked at him. Amber eyes burned with the intensity of the fire. “I want it all with you. There are many firsts I can give you.”

Rory’s heart galloped in his chest. He had to remind himself that Ivan wanting it all with him was about sex; it wasn’t a declaration of love. Rory retracted his foot a little to massage his taut sac, bouncing it a little with his toes. “So my finger?” Rory asked.


Rory eased his foot back to where Ivan seemed to want it most, but he stopped at his taint once more. “My dick?” Ivan’s swallow was audible over the crackling fire and blood rushing through Rory’s veins. “My tongue?”

The responding gasp was a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Ivan pinned him with a stare so hungry it flayed Rory to the bone. “Do you?”

“Do I what? Are you asking if I like the feel of a wet, hot tongue circling my rim and pushing inside my ass? Or do you want to know if I enjoy returning the pleasure?”

“Yes,” Ivan replied.

“I don’t know,” Rory answered honestly. “I’ve never reached the level of intimacy with another man that would allow the act, at least for me.”Until now.

The unspoken words hung in the air for several seconds while Rory worked up his courage to make more than his body vulnerable to Ivan. He pulled his foot free from Ivan’s hand and retracted the other from between Ivan’s legs. Rory sat up and cupped the back of Ivan’s neck, but he didn’t need to pull his conqueror down for a kiss because Ivan was reaching for him too. Before their lips touched and Rory lost his train of thought, he placed his hand over Ivan’s heart and stilled his descent.

“I’m coming to realize that anything and everything is on the table where you’re concerned,” Rory said. “There isn’t a spot on your body I don’t want to explore intimately.” There wasn’t a part of the man Rory didn’t want to know, but that admission might not be as welcome.

Ivan palmed the back of Rory’s head and tangled his fingers in Rory’s hair. “You make me want so damn much.”

“Then take it.”

Their lips met in a hungry meld of tongues, teeth, and shared breaths. Hands roamed, exploring planes and valleys. Ivan didn’t break the kiss to remove Rory’s shirt, he just shoved it up to his armpits. Their lips remained fused while they removed Rory’s underwear, repositioned his legs, and aligned their cocks—flesh to flesh—and nothing had ever felt so good. Rory moaned, and Ivan swallowed it. As hot as they were for one another, neither seemed in a hurry to advance to the next phase. Rory slid his fingers into Ivan’s armpits and smiled through their kiss when the big man shivered. His lust tasted better than any dessert Rory had ever sampled, and he was dying to explore the parts Ivan had kept to himself.

He hadn’t meant to push the issue, but his hands had a mind of their own. Rory slid them around to fondle Ivan’s ass and learn the curve of the taut globes, but his curious fingers got sidetracked in his ass crack, bisecting the cheeks instead. Ivan’s dick, already slick with precum, jerked against Rory’s as Ivan thrust his hips forward in short bursts. If that little caress cranked his gears, then pegging his prostate would turn him into a rutting beast. There was suddenly nothing Rory wanted more, but this position wouldn’t allow it. He wanted Ivan at his mercy, but he didn’t want to push him too far too fast.

Rory finally broke their kiss to look up at him. Ivan’s lips were red and swollen, his cheeks flushed with desire. “Do you trust me?”

Ivan swallowed hard. “More than is probably wise.”

Rory smiled and pressed a quick kiss to his lips because he understood. What had started out as a simple agreement between two horny men suddenly felt more…profound. So Rory eased out from under Ivan and slid over to the next cushion. He patted the one he’d vacated, and Ivan claimed the spot without hesitation. Rory swung his legs over to straddle his thick thighs, and Ivan’s hands immediately went to his ass, gripping and separating the cheeks. The movement stimulated his own pucker, making Rory hungry for the drooling cock pressed against his own. The position was temporary, though. Rory just wanted more kisses before working his way south. He kept his hips still because frotting would generate friction that would end their fun too soon. When Ivan fully relaxed against the cushions, Rory began a slow descent down his body, taking time to kiss, lick, and nuzzle his face in Ivan’s tummy hair. He couldn’t and wouldn’t ignore the eager beast jutting from a thatch of trimmed auburn curls. Rory kneeled between Ivan’s thighs and swirled his tongue around the crown, capturing his essence on his tongue. Then he leaned up and reclaimed Ivan’s mouth. The big man growled and gripped Rory’s head in a firm hold and deepened the kiss to taste hishoneyon Rory’s lips and tongue.

When Rory pulled back, he grabbed the lube off the sofa cushion. While he didn’t brandish it like a game show host, he took his time opening the cap to give Ivan time to object, but he only parted his thighs wider. Instead of going knuckle deep right away, Rory relied on seduction and finesse. He focused his attention on Ivan’s dick first, licking and sucking the crown into his mouth, slowly working toward the base. Ivan slid a hand into Rory’s hair but didn’t guide his head up or down. He seemed to be holding on for the ride or possibly anchoring himself to the earth. Rory would’ve grinned if not for the mouthful of cock.Baby, we’re just getting started.

When Rory’s lips stretched around Ivan’s thick base, he circled Ivan’s puckered rim with a slick fingertip. Ivan sucked air between his teeth, and his cock jerked in Rory’s mouth. In case Ivan’s lusty moan wasn’t enough to encourage Rory to be bolder, he lifted a leg up and propped his heel on the edge of the couch. The position exposed his hole to Rory’s hungry gaze and curious touch, but he still didn’t push in. Rory continued sucking Ivan off while teasing his crinkled entrance until the hand in his hair became more urgent. Only then did he push a slick digit beyond the tight ring of muscle.

“Fuck,” Ivan groaned.

Rory angled his head to glance up at Ivan’s sexy body. He’d thrown his head back against the couch, arching his neck. Firelight flickered against his skin, revealing a thin sheen of sweat. Rory pushed his finger in farther, sucked Ivan’s dick deeper, and reveled in the way his Adam’s apple bobbed with his hard swallows. Ivan slung one arm over the back of the couch and kept the other hand fisted in Rory’s hair. He was the epitome of a man lost in pleasure, and Rory had never been prouder of himself or more turned on than he was in that moment. To have Ivan, someone so private and borderline repressed, freely give himself and his pleasure over to Rory was…dizzying and addictive. Rory wanted more moans, surrender, and…more everything. He slowly bobbed up and down on Ivan’s dick, keeping the suction light but his dick sloppy wet. He took his time introducing Ivan to anal penetration, easing the slick finger in and out in shallow strokes. Rory tasted his arousal and felt it thrumming through Ivan’s powerful body like an electrical current. And to think he hadn’t even gotten to the best part yet. On the next gentle surge forward, Rory bent his finger and pressed against Ivan’s prostate.

“Fuck!” Ivan roared. Rory fought the urge to wriggle in triumph as Ivan tightened his fist in Rory’s hair and thrust deeper into Rory’s mouth. “Christ, baby…” Ivan panted. “Do that again.”

So Rory did, again and again, adding a second finger and stronger suction until Ivan had both feet propped on the edge of the couch. He’d slung both arms over the top of the sofa, opening himself fully and completely to anything and everything Rory wanted. And what he wanted—needed—was to claim that virgin ass for his own. Rory had never cared about that kind of thing until he met Ivan. But he fucking cared now. Too damn much.

Rory eased his fingers free and let Ivan’s dick slip from his mouth. Their eyes locked and held while Rory slid on a condom and slicked it with more lube. “You can say no at any point, and I promise to stop,” Rory said.
