Page 49 of The Fortunate Son

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“Fragrance?” Rory pressed.

One corner of Hope’s mouth curved up. “If you say so.”

Rory chuckled, pulled the lid off, and got a good whiff. “I recognize vanilla and sandalwood, but the third note is new to me.”

“Ylang ylang,” Hope replied. “Isn’t it dreamy?”

“Gorgeous.” He wasn’t sure what Ivan thought about candles, but he was about to find out. Rory replaced the lid and extended the candle to Hope. “I’m going to buy this one.” He could tell she was going to protest, but he cut her off. “I insist.”

“Fine. We’ll do the transaction after lunch.”

They locked up the shop and headed toward the diner. He noticed that religious sect had picked up two more reporting crews at their protests. He kept his head down as they walked past and refused to let their presence ruin his bliss. Rory expected Harry to magically appear out of thin air now that the yoga session was over, but she still hadn’t joined them by the time they sat down. They’d fixed a large breakfast for the crew, and he didn’t imagine he’d be hungry again until dinner, but his stomach growled as he read over the menu.

“I know damn well you eat good on the ranch.”

Rory laughed. “Too good. Another week and I’ll need to go up a pants size.” He expected Hope to laugh or comment. When she didn’t, Rory looked up to find her watching him. Was she like him and wondering if he’d still be there in another week? “What?”

Hope reached across the table, covered both Rory’s hands, and said, “I can tell something is bothering you, though you conceal it well behind that pretty smile. You don’t know me well enough to trust me yet, but you will. And I’m a damn good listener if you ever want to talk.”

“You’re wrong,” Rory said.

Hope rolled her eyes. “Don’t listen to whatever my husband said about my alleged selective hearing. Tuning out one another’s nonsense is how we’ve stayed happily married. I compare it to picking my battles and using a filter before I speak.” Hope waggled her finger and said, “Yes, I have a filter. I just don’t use it as often as I should.”

Rory laughed and shook his head. “I wasn’t referring to either of those things. You’re wrong about me not knowing you. I’ve spent enough time around your kids to know the person you are.”

Hope patted his hands and smiled. “That’s very sweet of you to say. Everything we discuss stays between you and me,” Hope told him.

Rory looked out the window while considering his options. He could continue rehashing the same thoughts in his head over and over or he could talk to an intelligent, objective woman with incredible insight. When framed like that, it was a simple decision. Over lunch, he opened up to Hope in ways he never had before, not even with Ivan. Something about Hope reminded him of his mother, even though they were nothing alike. It was the way she leaned into the conversation and gave him her undivided attention.

She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Fear is a powerful thing, Rory. You’ll know the right time to have a conversation with your dad. I hope he’s open to listening when you do approach him. If not, that’s his problem and you should make peace with that.” She released him to take a bite of banana pudding, and Rory did the same with his chocolate cream pie. “I’ve got a spare bedroom with your name on it if you ever decide to move on from the ranch and need a place to stay.”

“I appreciate you saying that, and I can’t thank you enough for letting me vent.” She waved him off with her fork before digging back into her dessert.

Rory forked up another bite of pie. It was rich, silky perfection with the perfect balance of chocolate and cream. He knew a certain conqueror who’d love to sink his fork into it. “Do they sell whole pies here?”

“They do,” Hope said with a smile.

They lingered over a second cup of coffee after the waitress took away their dirty dishes and Rory secured a pie for Ivan. Harry was waiting for them back at the shop when they returned. Hope lived up to her agreement and allowed Rory to buy the candle. When she told him the amount due, he looked at her with narrowed eyes. Twelve dollars? Had she slashed the price because he’d insisted on paying?

“Too much?” Hope asked.

“Too little,” Rory replied. “Three-wick candles like these sell for a lot more.”

“Told ya, Mama,” Harry chimed in.

Hope rolled her eyes at them. “I’m not trying to get rich. I just want to help people.”

She was another person Rory had found almost too good to be true. He’d never been so glad to be wrong. He hugged her tightly when they parted and promised to attend her next Saturday class too. As soon as he and Harry cleared her shop, Rory hooked his arm through Harry’s and said, “Thanks for setting me up. It was exactly what I needed.”

“I didn’t intend it when I suggested the pedicures,” Hope replied. “I could just tell you had a lot going on and could use a reset. My mama’s classes are excellent for that. I would’ve stayed too, but I wanted you to have some alone time with her. Hope has a way of seeing to the heart of an issue.”

“Yes, she does.” Rory glanced over and saw a display of suncatchers hanging in a shop window. One caught his eye and made him stop in his tracks. It reminded him of someone special, and he wanted to buy it for him. “Do you mind if I make a quick stop in there?”

Harry followed his line of sight and smiled when she saw the honeycomb suncatcher made from multiple shades of amber glass. “He’ll love it.”

By the time they arrived back at the ranch, it was almost time for poker night. Ivan had volunteered to order food at breakfast, which had resulted in a round of boos. Apparently, his menu lacked creativity. Finley had spoiled the guys away from the standard fare Ivan provided. Harry and Rory had taken the baton from Finley the previous week and had driven the expectations even higher. Cash took pity on everyone and said he’d arrange the food and would host poker night at the big ranch since it was getting pretty crowded at the old homestead.

“See you guys tonight,” Harry called out after they parked and exited her zippy red car.
