Page 54 of The Fortunate Son

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“Just think about what I said,” Harry told Rory as she searched for a parking spot close to the feed store.

“I will.” He’d shot himself in the foot plenty of times in the past and wasn’t looking to repeat those mistakes with Ivan.

They ended up having to park two blocks away, but Rory could still hear the music thumping from the speakers and smell the sizzling meat on the grill. His stomach growled. A hundred or more people milled around the parking lot area sectioned off for the event.

“This is a great turnout,” Harry said.

Rory had no idea what the previous adoption days had looked like, but he knew Harry wouldn’t blow smoke up his ass.

Dylan and the crew had set up obstacle courses in the grassy areas for the dogs. They wanted to provide plenty of opportunities for people to interact with the ranch’s permanent canine residents. That’s where Patsy showed off her skills. There was also a mobile grooming van off to one side with a long line of customers and their pooches. The guys had pitched several tents for designated areas. The tent on the left provided shelter from the midday sun so the pups could meet prospective adopters. They’d designated the center tent as their information center. People could learn more about Redemption Ridge Rescues and complete an application to adopt a dog. The final tent on the right was where the aroma of delicious food was coming from. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and all the fixings took up one table. They’d loaded down two others next to it with every side dish and dessert a person could want. Rows of long rectangular folding tables and chairs provided a shaded place for people to sit and eat. The grill was a safe distance away from the tent, and that’s where Dylan was, splitting his attention between cooking and answering questions about adoptions. He winked at Harry when he noticed them approaching.

“My man,” Harry said proudly.

Rory thought the same thing when his gaze landed on Ivan. He was squatting in front of a toddler who was rocking pink overall shorts. Her blonde pigtails bounced every time she reached a chubby hand out to pet the young beagle Ivan cradled in his arms. The pup licked her arm, and the little girl squealed, giggled, and clapped her hands. Ivan’s smile was so big and bright Rory tripped and nearly went face-first to the ground.

Harry laughed and hooked her arm through Rory’s once he steadied himself. “Let’s go say hello.”

Ivan looked up as they approached, and his smile was even bigger and brighter as if someone had turned a dial up to eleven.

Harry leaned into Rory and said, “That smile isn’t just for you. It exists because of you.”The Rory Effect.That’s what Ivan called it. “No matter what happens, I want you to remember this moment. Promise?”

Rory nodded because he was incapable of forming words. Harry led them toward the food tent. Whatever token protest Rory would’ve offered died when his stomach growled again. He loaded his plate with a cheeseburger and the trifecta of salads—potato, pasta, and macaroni. Perhaps macaroni was a pasta salad since elbow macaroni was technically a noodle. Rory followed Harry to an empty table at the far corner of the tent, and they dug in. “You’re going to have to roll me back to the car,” Rory said several minutes later.

Harry turned to him, and a tiny burp escaped instead of words. Her eyes went wide, and she slammed a hand over her mouth. Rory’s breath hitched in his chest for a few seconds before he erupted in laughter. Harry narrowed her eyes and launched a potato chip at him.

“Sorry,” Rory said, waving both hands. “I just…” He started a second peal of laughter. Harry was so petite and feminine that he just never expected that kind of noise to come from her.

Dylan sauntered over with a broad smile. Rory looked to see who’d taken his place and was surprised to see Cash there with a spatula in one hand and a spray bottle in the other. Dylan kissed the top of her head and bounced a curious look between Harry and Rory. “What’s so funny over here?”

Rory pointed at Harry and said, “She—” His words died when he caught her mutinous expression.

“Absolutely nothing,” Harry said.

The more indignant she became the funnier Rory found the entire situation. He doubled over, held his stomach, and tried his best to rein himself in. What was he? Twelve?

“Oh, for crying out loud,” Harry hissed. “I opened my mouth to say something but a tiny burp escaped instead thanks to the cola.”

“Was it tiny?” Dylan asked Rory.

Rory nodded. “Yeah, it was just so unlike her.”

“She’s let loose a few that rattled the roof,” Dylan said.

Harry set her sandwich down and slowly turned to look up at her boyfriend. It wasn’t quite anExorcistmoment because her head didn’t rotate completely around, but it was damn close. Dylan’s smile melted, and he swallowed hard.

“Oops,” he mumbled. “This is where my inexperience shows.”

“Are you making a joke about our age gap?”

Dylan’s eyes widened comically. “No way. It took me two years to overcome said age gap. Months to get you to move in with me. I wouldn’t blow it in one moment with a stupid remark like that.” He cocked his head to the side. “Not intentionally at least.” He reached over and brushed a red curl out of her face.

Harry let out a tiny snort that turned into a giggle. “I’m just messing with you.” She smiled at Rory and said, “I belch and curse like a sailor sometimes.”

Dylan cupped his mouth and leaned toward Rory. “And she farts in her sleep.”

Harry’s outraged gasp sounded genuine enough. She jumped up from her seat, and Dylan bolted, though Rory wasn’t sure where the hell he planned to hide from her. Rory shook his head and watched their antics play out, but Dylan turned at the tent farthest away from Rory’s seat, and Harry’s pursuit took her out of sight too.

Rory tucked back into his food until he felt a shift in the air. When he looked up, Ivan was headed his way with a look of determination on his face that made Rory’s insides quake.
