Page 17 of Demanded Submission

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“Stop being so forceful.”

“Come on,” she snipped. “If it is, then you are one lucky woman.”

“Fine. That’s the dude who acted as if I was some nutcase for trying to keep the driver responsible for the wreck from speeding off.” Now I was flustered, heat building behind my ears, my pussy aching from being stretched and taken roughly. Oh, God. What was wrong with me?

“Whew,” she moaned, fanning her face. “You know how to pick them.”

“I didn’t exactly pick him. Fate did.” Fate. I’d never believed in the concept, especially not after everything that had happened. I scrolled down, skimming the article.

Miami’s Hottest Bachelor Donates One Million Dollars to the Children’s Hospital

The tagline was just the beginning, the article highlighting him as man of the year. “Who is this guy really and what is Carnal Sins?”

“The man is exactly what that article states. He’s rich, famous up and down the East Coast, powerful and sought after by every woman who still has a pulse in the city. Carnal Sins isthehottest club in town, although you and I will never get an invite.” She huffed, returning to the couch and grabbing her wine. “Was there a maintenance worker in the condo today?”

I noticed she was staring at the floor covering and winced. While the units in the building were all owned by someone, there was a special maintenance team supposedly providing everything from replacing lightbulbs to fixing plumbing leaks. I’d never asked her who owned this unit. I had a feeling the subject was off limits. At least it was a plausible excuse to probably ruining her precious rug.

“No, why?”

“There are scratch marks in the rug. Damn it. Anyway,” she murmured and heat shifted across my jaw for a second time as I remembered our act of filthy sin from earlier. “Carnal Sins is a members-only kink club.”

My pussy still ached from his wide girth. Just thinking about the way he’d fucked me made me tingle all over. What she’d just said suddenly registered. “Kink club? As in BDSM?”

“You got it. I’ve heard anything goes there for a price. I think it’s like a million dollars a year or something like that.”

My skin suddenly crawled. “I’m not into kink.”

“Yeah, I know. Did he say what he’d hire you for?”

“Not exactly, but he knew I’d applied as a cocktail waitress all around town with no success.”

“Then maybe he wants you to work at Blackout, the sister business. It’s a dance club accessible to the likes of you and me. Pretty hot too. I’ve been there a couple times.”

“Oh, yeah? With who?”

She laughed, the sound throaty yet practiced. “I have a few men who treat me like a lady.”

The implication was that she wasn’t always treated that way. A cold chill drifted down my spine. I thought about what Jameson had said when he’d handed me the card, which wasn’t much.“I might be able to get you on board at my club. We’ll talk.”That had been it.

“So, how close did you get to yoursavior?” she cooed.

“Oh, I don’t know. He brought me home.” Why was it that everything that popped from her mouth sounded dirty?Because you initiated a sinful, filthy act. I most certainly did not.It was all his fault.Now I was having a conversation with my inner voice. Maybe I had to consider I was cuckoo.

“Yeah?” Charlotte lifted her eyebrow.

“We talked. That’s it.” My throat started to tighten.

“O-kay. Come on, girlie. I can tell there’s more. What was he like? Did the photographs lie?”

Sighing, I revived the screen on the iPad and shook my head, doing my best to keep from drooling. “No. He’s perfect.”

I couldn’t stop the heat from continuing to rise, suddenly embarrassed.

“Oh, my God. Did you fuck him?”

“No! Of course not.”Liar, liar, pants on fire.

“Holy shit. You did. Don’t you lie to your cousin. Tell me everything. That man is the hottest hunk of meat to set foot in this town. I heard he’s rich, like filthy rich. He’s graced all the hottest magazines. I also heard he’s the ultimate in dangerous, dressed in Armani suits.”
