Page 25 of Demanded Submission

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But I was also excited. The only trouble was my intense enthusiasm was based on my hope of seeing Jameson again.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wasn’t the best thing all the way around, but a girl wants what she wants.

God help me, I was doomed.

* * *

Heaven’s mercy, he was watching me.

The chiseled god himself.

I’d never felt so nervous in my life. My hands were shaking and that was nothing in comparison to the clunkiness I felt in my legs. I wasn’t used to being on heels for one thing, but the moment I’d realized Mr. Stark himself was watching from the shadows, I turned into mush. I’d suffered through drunk cowboys and oil riggers, their hands-on approach as much of an irritant as their lewd slurs.

I’d been confronted with a crazed asshole determined to steal my purse. The stupid jerk had been completely shocked that instead of cowering like a girl, I’d thrown two hard punches in a row, knocking him to the pavement, taunting him to see if he wanted more.

And for kicks and giggles, I’d fought off a big, burly guy determined to roughhouse my best girlfriend.

But this… this was as if I was walking a tightrope over quicksand. Even from thirty feet away, I’d felt Jameson’s eyes capturing my every move. My instinct told me he wasn’t merely assessing his latest hire. He was contemplating what he wanted to do with the girl he’d fucked. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Ginger had allowed me to work a couple of tables, keeping an eye on me for the first few minutes. Then she’d disappeared, which had given me confidence. Now, as I made my way to a table of five rowdy guys, I couldn’t seem to keep my arm or the tray holding beers and shots from shaking.

“Here comes the babe,” one of the dudes said. I didn’t need to hear the slurping sound he made as he dragged his tongue around his lips to know it was disgusting.

“I think she needs to be our party favor tonight,” another jerk commented then barked like a dog.

With the boss watching, I couldn’t provide the answer I usually did, even if it was apparent the jerk could use a swift kick in the balls.

“Hey, babe. I think you’re coming with us. Maybe you can handle all five of us.”

“I might consider it if even one of you had a decent size dick.” I knew the comeback was childish at best, but I wasn’t in any mood to deal with bullshit since my life was currently still hovering just over the toilet.

“What did you say?” one of them growled, jerking to his feet.

“You heard me, or are you lacking in other areas as well?” I gave him a snarky look and was certain even in the sparkling lights that his face was turning bright red.

“You want to see, sweetheart? I’ll be happy to show you.”

“Right here?” I challenged. I’d heard this kind of trash talk back in high school.

“I think she needs to be taught a lesson.”

I was about to hand out the first drinks when bottom feeder number four decided to grab a handful of my ass. The moment of sickening slow motion wrapped around my ugly little world, and the tray of drinks went flying toward the jerk and his buddies.

“You little fucking bitch!” the ass grabber snorted, jerking up from the table with enough force he knocked his chair over. He didn’t hesitate to grab my arm, yanking me against him.

“I suggest you get your hand off me now or I won’t hesitate to ensure you won’t be allowed to make a return visit,” I snarled.

“You obviously don’t know who we are.”

Laughing on purpose, I shifted my gaze around the table. “No, I got it. Little boys with little dicks.”

When the bastard lifted his arm as if to hit me, I was shocked enough I didn’t respond right away.

I didn’t need to.

The son of a bitch was grabbed around the back of his neck, lifted into the air then slammed on the floor as if he weighed nothing. Then my hero dropped to the floor, pressing his forearm against the jerk’s neck.

I had to blink twice to realize the man who’d come to my rescue wasn’t one of the bouncers but Jameson Stark instead.
