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“Which is how Xavier arrived in my office and I’m extremely impressed with his ingenuity and mind. I have high hopes for him in the coming years,” Stefano stated, and the man seemed a little flustered while Olympia gave him a real smile.

“That is high praise coming from Stefano. My father says if Stefano approves of you then the sky cannot limit you,” Olympia told him.

“Thank you, I will do my best to live up to the praise,” Xavier said, his words mostly meant for Stefano, but his gaze never left Olympia.

Hailey slid Stefano towards his office while their mothers asked him a few questions about himself and lifted a brow at Stefano. “High hopes for Xavier? What sort of hopes?”

“The sort that will allow Olympia’s father comfort that he will be quite able to take care of her,” he answered returning her smile. “He is the oldest of five, graduated at the top of his college class in business in three years but wasn’t able to get a decent job due to the downturn. I hired him as a do-all type about six months ago and he’s yet to fail me. I imagine having someone like Olympia for inspiration would do him well to keep on the track I have arranged for him.”

“And Demetrius?” she asked with hope.

“I know you said Cleveland, but I was thinking Juno, Alaska myself,” he stated pulling her up against him as the voices outside quieted. “Give me a kiss and then go along with our mothers whilst I slave away in a staff meeting.”

“I could stay, our mothers arranged an appointment for me to find a dress though,” she said lifting her chin towards him for the kiss.

“No, your dress is more important than the meeting. Our wedding will always be more important than work,” he stated covering her lips, keeping her up against him even as their mothers tried to interrupt them.

“Stefano, we have a tight schedule,” Elena said finally breaking into the kiss. “You can kiss her all you want once you’re married but in order to get there, we have to get a dress chosen.”

“Alright, go before I can’t resist,pethi mou,” Stefano said kissing her lips softly before dropping one on each hand. “Olympia, make sure our mothers don’t try to overwhelm her please? Nothing revealing either, Hailey…”

“What did I tell you about telling me what to wear Stefano?” Hailey asked stopping in the doorway with a pointed look his way.

“You will simply have to suffer it my darling angel. What is mine is mine and no other man shall have it. That includes knowing what your body looks like. I do not wish to have to blacken eyes because they are staring at what is mine.”

“I simply don’t know how I ever fell in love with you,” she teased him. “You are so…so…”

“Greek?” Olympia offered.

“Yes, and pigheaded, but I love you anyway, so trust me my love, I want nothing more than to please you after all.”

“You do that by simply breathing,pethi mou, now go before I lose my control and kiss you again,” he stated sending the group scurrying from the room with laughs. He turned to Xavier and shook his head, “Women…whatever would we do without them?”

“Be alone and miserable,” Xavier answered. “Is Olympia a friend of Hailey’s?”

“Her father is my business accountant in Greece, Saoul Ballas. She and Demetrius are engaged but my Hailey does not think Olympia is happy with the arrangement.”

“Your brother, from what I can tell, does not seem like a good match for the bit of Olympia that I saw just now.”

“Demetrius has behaved poorly where Olympia’s concerned. I have tasked myself with ensuring she is happy, but I have miss stepped with this I believe. The issue I now face is how to resolve it in a way Olympia’s father would be willing to accept.”

“Surely if you allowed Olympia to make her own choice for her future, she would be happier, would she not?” Xavier suggested.

“The only choice in front of her right now is marriage to Demetrius, I myself would never make her happy and I adore my Hailey far too much to ever let her go, and they are fast approaching the need to send out announcements for the wedding. If I knew someone who would ensure her happiness the same as I would for my Hailey, I would be happy to let Olympia choose for herself.”

“I dare say it shouldn’t be too difficult, Stefano. Olympia is the type of woman whom men would gladly lay across puddles for, her smile lights a room.”

“But her father would be insistent upon her husband sharing her Greek blood, his knowledge that his only child is being taken care of properly. There aren’t too many of them walking around the city, unless you have a friend or two?”

“No friends, only I,” Xavier stated, and Stefano eyed him carefully.

“True, there is you,” Stefano said, and Xavier’s eyes widened in surprise. “You are in a good position, have a future ahead of you that I’m sure he would approve of…sorry, I’m not trying to force anything onto you. Hailey says I’m trying to make everyone as happy as we are and I’m sure you have a girlfriend or three already.”

“Not currently and I’m a one-woman sort of man, I would never want my sisters to be treated poorly so I would not allow myself to treat a woman I was seeing as such.”

“Still, I need to stop trying to arrange attractions where there isn’t one and we have a staff meeting in a few minutes we should prepare for,” Stefano said.

Xavier nodded gathering their items, waiting until they were almost to the door before responding to him, “I would be honored if you thought me good enough for a woman like Olympia. She’s as stunning as a Greek goddess.”
