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“You were trying to protect him, he knows that, and now he will ensure we’re all protected,” Hailey reassured her as they reached the barn.

They took about an hour ride, returning to find Stefano waiting for them, his shoulders relaxing when he saw the smile on his mother’s face. He reached up, gently grasping Hailey’s waist, and guided her off the horse, lowering her down his length before capturing her lips in a kiss.

“Now that is a welcome home.” She sighed letting him slip his arm around her, pulling her into his side to walk her back to the house. He kept a hand on Elena’s back, and she saw the similarities between his touch there, the tenderness, the love, and in the way that he held her. With her, there were the deep layers of desire and need but the basis of it was the same. She sighed happily again, resting her head against his chest and settled her hand over his heart when he pulled her the tiniest bit closer to him. She felt a mist of tears form in her eyes, but it was from joy and happiness that despite not telling her, she was sure of his love for her.

“Your parents are here,” Stefano whispered as Elena went into the kitchen ahead of them. “I’ve talked to them and they know what Demetrius attempted to do, as well as what Grandfather and I have decided the best course of action is with him and Nikolas. You will be safe my darling.”

“I always am with you. I know that now,” she said softly kissing him as her heart fluttered with happiness.

“You are,pethi mou,” he said, his voice deeper, fuller and she had no doubts that he loved her as she loved him. He did not have to voice the words to her. They would be nice, but she would not push him. He would say them if he thought they were necessary, and she would follow his lead. Perhaps he did not even know how much he loved her. Perhaps as it was for her, his feelings had grown over their course of acquaintance and were now to this point. Both ways, she had him, and she would be pleased with that.

“Hailey, oh my girl,” Leann said as they reached the salon where they sat with Theo and now Elena.

“I’m alright Mom, I promise. Stefano ensured I was safe,” she told her seeing the sheen of tears in her eyes as she hugged her, before giving her father one.

“He is a good man,” Thomas stated kissing the top of her head.

“He is better than good, he is my other half,” Hailey said sliding back into Stefano’s arms. “He is also…”

“What?” Leann said when she stopped.

“Going to be a father,” Hailey stated as he smiled down at her.

“Oh!” Leann gasped and Thomas beamed with happiness at them. “You are sure?”

“Positive, we have been to see a doctor and have seen the tiniest glimpse of him or her,” Stefano answered.

“We are right about eight weeks,” Hailey added, earning hugs from both of them.

“That is why you did not go to Sydney with him,” Leann guessed, and she nodded.

“I did not want to risk the slight bit of morning sickness she’s had increasing whilst we were there nor the length of the flight to reach Sydney,” Stefano stated. “I would love to have her beside me at all times, but she comes first, before all of my needs.”

“As it should be,” Theo stated making her smile. “Which means that I will be returning in about six months’ time to see my great-grandchild, I do not doubt he will be as stunning as his mother.”

“Or she Grandfather,” Stefano said but the man shook his head no pulling a chuckle from Stefano’s throat. “I would be quite happy with a daughter.”

“And I do not fear that you will have one in the coming years but this one shall be a boy, our Hailey is glowing too much for it not to be,” Theo said making her laugh.

“We will be happy with whatever we’re blessed with,” she said enjoying the morning with their families before having a lazy lunch with Stefano.

“What do you say we forget work and go upstairs? Everyone knows you only answer to me now,” he whispered against her lips and she couldn’t begin to deny wanting to be with him more than wanting to work.

She didn’t argue the next day when they stayed home again, this time putting in a few hours of work before taking a leisurely ride that afternoon and returning home to make love for the rest of the evening.

Saturday morning, they went into town to pick up a few things she’d ordered for their bedroom.

“Would you like something new for the party we have to attend tonight?” Stefano asked as Karl stored the large box in the trunk of the limo.

“Are you trying to butter me up to make up for the boring night ahead of us?” she teased him and the smile that slid onto his lips said it all. “Do you honestly think it will be that horrid?”

“Compared to what we will want to be doing with our evening, yes,” he whispered against her ear sending a shiver down her spine. “Plus, I want to show off my incredibly delectable wife but only to a certain extent.”

“You hate shopping though, you said so yourself last time.”

“Only because you were arguing with me so much, I had found myself wildly attracted to you but knew you were still innocent and did not want to rush you into anything.”

“But marriage?” she queried meeting his gaze.
