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“Hailey darling are you awake?” Elena called through the bedroom door.

Hailey smiled moving from the doorway as the main door opened and her mother-in-law’s head peeked around it towards the bed. “I’m right here, Mother.”

“You look beautiful,” Elena stated coming into the room with her mother close behind her.

“You do sweetheart,” Leann agreed as they glanced towards the open door, she was standing next to, “still working on it?”

“Not really it’s mostly finished,” she said seeing the eagerness in their faces to see the room. “No telling Stefano you got a glimpse before he did.”

“Wouldn’t think of it,” Elena assured her, and she moved into the room letting them follow. She smiled fully at their light gasps. “Oh Hailey, it’s stunning. You did all of this yourself?”

“Mostly, Gina came out with a crew to hang the mural after the printers finished it,” she stated as they turned around taking in the full effect of the creation. “They set up the cribs and dressers, arranged the furniture where I asked.”

“Yet it’s not done yet?” her mother asked in surprise. “What’s missing?”

“The closet still needs the final piece hung. I hadn’t originally planned to put it in there but when you open the door it’s such a startling difference that I went back and added onto the design,” she told them pulling up a picture of what it would look like once hung.

“Oh, it’s like a little tree house, its darling,” Elena stated beaming. “These babies are going to love it.”

“Along with hopefully the next that come in the next years,” Hailey said, and the two older women shared an excited look. “Yes, I want another but by then these two rascals will be in their new bedroom and allow us to reuse the nursery.”

“I think Theo’s wordings are starting to wear off on you sweetheart,” Leann teased. “I can’t imagine you calling two precious little girls rascals.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” she agreed with a secretive smile.

“Hailey Madison Jordan…do you know something we don’t?” Leann asked seeing it linger on her lips.

“We haven’t found that out yet,” she hedged but she could tell the mothers didn’t fully believe her. It was all right because she fully intended on telling Stefano the truth when he got home. She did not want to go through the last weeks without him knowing how she truly felt for him and their sons.

Hailey was able to get the mothers down to the car, settling in with a seatbelt around her to ensure nothing happened to her precious little boys in case of an accident. She would not risk them for anything.

The room at the restaurant was decorated to reflect a neutral gender since her party planners didn’t know for certain, and she smiled as the group lathed attention and presents on her. As the event began to wrap, she saw Theo come into the room, shocking her especially when Stefano didn’t appear behind him.

“For once I tricked that grandson of mine,” Theo said kissing her cheeks. “I took the other plane out yesterday while Stefano was still finishing up business. I wanted to ensure your gift arrived in perfect condition.”

“What gift is that Grandfather?” she asked, a small gasp slipping from her lips as a man pushed a pram into the room.

“This belonged to our children and when my Elena had hers, she was determined to use modern American items. I dare say that these two handsome grandsons of mine will be far more pleased with it than anything modern,” Theo said settling his hand onto her stomach, and as though in agreement, one of her little boys gave him a swift kick. “Ah, it’s a yes.”

“I will treasure it Grandfather,” Hailey said kissing his cheek allowing the others to sit her down while they packed the gifts for the trip home.

“Now I know why my grandson is so anxious to get home to you beyond anything before,” Theo teased as they sat in the limo on the way home. “You have fully blossomed with the life growing inside you.”

“You’re too polite to say I’ve gotten fat,” she mused pulling a laugh from him. “Abigail assures us that they’re growing perfectly so no amount of weight matters. She’s pressing to keep them just where they are for at least another six weeks.”

“Of which Stefano will be hovering over you for any sign of distress I am positive,” Theo stated, and she nodded smiling as the miles slipped by taking her closer and closer to home.

She wasn’t surprised when Theo also insisted on staying at the house with her and Elena; she knew better than to argue that she would be fine alone. It was wonderful to feel so loved, especially with the anxiousness creeping over her at telling Stefano the truth. She didn’t want to be wrong; it would hurt too much to be wrong about this.

The evening was easy to rest through with the knowledge that soon Stefano would be home and with her. She dressed for bed and laid down wishing Stefano were beside her, loving her. They had found ways of ensuring they were able to share the pleasure together as her stomach grew too large for them to be chest to chest. She had no doubt that her beloved husband would quickly need to feel her body surrounding him just as she needed to feel his pulsating inside her.

She let sleep come knowing that this Saturday was a charity event they must attend. They were honoring Stefano for his help and she wasn’t going to let her pregnancy stop her from being with him. If he sensed she was tired, he would tell her to stay home, and she didn’t want him to leave her so soon after returning home.

Her cell phone rang with a message around two a.m. and she wondered why Stefano would be sending it now. He wouldn’t want to wake her as he had.

She picked it up and read the words, her heart suddenly faltering to a stop as she dialed his number. It picked up but there was only static, a loud whirring coming across it.

“Stefano!” she cried shaking as tears blurred her eyes. “Stefano, please talk to me.”
