Page 19 of Bet on Me

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She drifted on the edge of consciousness for several minutes while I held her. Finally, she blinked, opening her eyes. She swallowed and ran her tongue over her lips.

“Hey, baby.” I ran a hand along her face.

“Hi,” she whispered.

“You okay if I put you down for a second?”

She nodded. I stood with her in my arms, then placed her on the couch and arranged a pillow under her head.

“You’re amazing, baby. Just amazing. You stay there. I’ll be right back.” I walked over to the bar for a bottle of water.

When I returned minutes later, she was fast asleep.


Emma’s shifting on the couch grabbed my attention. She’d napped for almost two hours after our scene. I was sure she would be confused and still a little out of it.

“Hey, sleeping beauty.” I smiled at her as I walked toward the couch. “You’ve been out for a couple of hours. How are you feeling?”

She blinked at me like she wasn’t actually sure. “Good, I think. My butt is sore.”

I snorted. “I certainly hope so.” I reached my hand out to Emma. She took it and followed me to a nearby table. I’d set out plates of sandwiches and chips, and bottles of water.

“Did…you make lunch?” Emma’s eyes wandered over the food. Her stomach rumbled loud enough for me to hear it.

I held back a laugh. “Sure did, baby. Dig in.”

Emma sat down without another word, grabbing the sandwich and inhaling it. She reached for the water.

I chuckled as I watched her. “Hungry, little one?”

She nodded.

“Good girl.” I was glad she was eating. Our scene was intense, and she needed the fuel. “The snow stopped sooner than the forecast said. The plows won’t get us cleared out for a while, though.”

Emma looked like she was considering this information. Was she relieved that her time being snowbound with me was going to end sooner than expected? Disappointed?

She squared her shoulders, looking me right in the eye. “I’d like to stay the night here, Sir. With you. Even if the roads are plowed.”

For about the millionth time in the last day, I realized I’d underestimated Emma. “I’ll admit that this has turned out differently than I thought it would. You’ve surprised me, little one.”

Emma squinted at me. “Why do you call me that? I’m not a little kid. Or a Little.”

“Oh, baby, I know. More now than ever. I call you—and other subs—that because you’re adorable, vulnerable, and I want to help you out. Take care of you. But you’re the only one I’ve ever called Baby. Or Kitten.” And the only one I’ve scened with more than once. And the only one I want to scene with in the future.

I hadn’t even realized until just now that I felt this way. Maybe it was too soon. I didn’t want to scare her away.

Emma considered this information. “So you don’t think I’m like a little kid? Or do you?”

I reached across the table, catching her chin with my fingers, and tipped her head until her eyes met mine. “Let’s get something straight, baby. I may have underestimated you, what you can take, and what you need. But I’ve never thought of you as a kid. Far from it. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. You’re whip smart and accomplished in your career. And the only reason I didn’t make you mine the second I met you was that I felt you needed someone other than me. A softer Dom. I care about you, Emma. I’ve always only wanted what would be best for you.”

Her eyes were wide as I finished pouring my soul out.

“And are you done underestimating me, Sir?” she asked, never taking her gaze from my face.

“I’m done with everything other than making you mine, baby.” My lips crashed down on hers. I needed to make her mine, to possess her. She moaned into my mouth. I coaxed her lips open and slipped my tongue inside her mouth. She tasted sweet and absolutely perfect.

I finally pulled back, running my thumb along her lower lip.
