Page 23 of Bet on Me

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Drew looked at me over his own mug of black coffee. “Today is Sunday, kitten. What are your plans for this week?”

I ran through my schedule in my head. “Well, I’m working Monday through Friday. Probably some longer days to make up for our early day on Friday when we stopped early cause of the snowstorm. Thursday drinks with the girls. Probably here on Friday.”

Drew swallowed a mouthful of coffee, nodding. “Yes, I expect you to be here Friday. I’ll pick you up at 6pm on Wednesday for dinner.” He looked me in the eye. “And one drink on Thursday with the girls. One. I will know.”

I shivered. He’d know, alright. He could read me like a book. “Yes, Sir.” I drank the rest of my coffee and licked my lips to grab any sugar that was left.

Drew walked me downstairs and to the front door. He grasped my hand as we stepped outside. “The lot is still slippery. Careful, baby.”

I could have made it on my own, but I clung to him as we walked to my car. Drew opened the door for me. He’d cleared the snow off—not just the windshield, but he’d gotten the snow on the hood and the roof. I started the car.

“Text me when you get home, little one. I’ll see you Wednesday.” Drew closed the car door.

I was right. Orion was pissed. He yowled at me when I walked in the door from the garage and continued his litany of complaints until I emptied an overly generous portion of cat food into his bowl. I topped it with a few treats, trying to win back his favor.

Once I’d scooped the litter box and topped off Orion’s water, I headed to the shower. I shed my clothes while the water warmed up and turned around to examine my ass in the mirror. There were a few fading stripes, but no bruising. I rubbed my cheeks, trying to bring back the memory of the beautiful ache, but a twinge of soreness was already all that remained.

I stepped into the shower. The scalding water ran in rivulets down my body, relaxing my sore muscles. Was there anything better than a super hot shower when it was so cold outside? I let myself relax under the spray for longer than usual.

My mind wandered back to Drew. For a smart, independent woman, I sure was fixated on one guy.

I’d barely left him, but I was already getting butterflies in anticipation of seeing him again. To be fair, though, I’d been after him for months,

I toweled off from the shower and twisted my hair up in a towel to dry. I grabbed my phone as I walked back to the bedroom.

I realized with a start I’d forgotten to text Drew. I sent a quick text.

Emma:Made it home safely.

His response came back quickly.

Drew:Good girl. Behave. I’ll see you Wednesday.

Monday at the job site was filled with headaches. Catching up from Friday took priority, but fresh problems cropped up right and left. Another change order came in, requiring my attention to adjust the contract once again.

I looked up from the computer and gazed out the window. Being a project manager had a few perks, like the view I had from my office. I watched as a commercial plane taxied down the runway into a clean takeoff.

Watching planes take flight was something I’d never tire of.

But I needed to focus. I dragged my attention back to the screen.

The numbers on the spreadsheet ran together. My mind was somewhere else entirely.

What would it be to see Drew outside the club?

I’d known him for the past year—almost more than a year, really. In that time, I’d only ever seen him at the club. I was sure he had a real life, but until now, he’d seemed like one of the teachers I’d had in elementary school. You saw them at school every day, but the idea of them having a life outside of that was completely foreign.

My desk phone rang, jolting me out of my daydream.

“Emma James,” I answered.

“Hey, Em! It’s Justin. The week going okay?” He sounded happier than usual. Things must have been back on with Sarah.

“Same old, same old. We’re close to finishing work on this phase, so that’s always a plus. How are things with Sarah?”

“Really good, actually. Listen, I’m in town. Let’s have lunch on Friday. We can talk about work and expense it. I’ll fill you in on everything.”

I laughed. “Sure thing. Want me to book a reservation somewhere?”
