Page 28 of Bet on Me

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My jaw dropped. “Oh, Justin, we’ll miss you so much! It’s been so much fun working with you all these years. No one will ever be as good a regional manager as you.”

Justin grinned. “Actually, I think the next one will be even better than me. I’m recommending that you be my replacement, Emma.”

I was speechless for once in my life. That was a huge promotion. Holy shit.

Justin was still talking. “They’re actually combining a couple of positions until they rearrange some things in the west coast offices. You’d be based out of Portland, at least for now. It’s an amazing city.”

My heart was beating out of my chest. This was going to mean big things for my career. “Oh my goodness, this is a huge opportunity! Thank you so much. I’m super excited. When are you starting your new job?”

“Not until about May, so it’ll be awhile. Plenty of time to arrange stuff. Not soon enough for Sarah, though.” Justin chuckled. “Think it over and let me know, okay?”

I returned to the office after lunch, giddy with excitement. This new job would be a huge step for my career,plusa huge raise. I launched myself into reviewing contracts with newfound energy.

When my phone buzzed on the desk, I looked away from my computer and reached for it, swiping to see the text from Drew.


The initial rush of excitement at seeing his name settled into my stomach with a sinking sensation.

He’d told me his last relationship ended because the girl he was dating had moved for work. How could I do the same thing to him?

I put the phone back down on the desk without reading the text. I needed time to think.



Iwasgettingantsy,waiting to see Emma. Our date a few nights ago had only made me want her more, and I couldn’t wait to see her tonight. I sent off a text to see what time she’d be here tonight.

I thought back to our weekend together while I washed some dishes. Just thinking about her had me hardening painfully against my jeans.

I’d expected her to safe word just with the first spanking. Then with the wax. Then, with each new scene, I’d expected her to reach her limit as I pushed her farther and farther, but she’d taken everything I’d given her and asked for more.

How had it taken me so long to see how perfect she was for me?

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I dried my hands on a towel and pulled it out, hoping for a reply from Emma. Instead, I saw a text from Seth. The owner of Blackstone—my boss, if you wanted to get technical—liked to check in with me from time to time. Make sure everything was running smoothly.

Everything ran smoothly when I was in control.

Seth:How’s everything at Blackstone?

Drew:Things are good, everything under control. Closed this past weekend with a snowstorm. Singles night tonight will bring in more folks.

Seth:Good, good. I’m in town. Let’s talk before the club opens tonight.

Drew:Sure thing.

I slipped the phone back in my pocket and went back to scrubbing dishes, waiting patiently for a text from Emma.

The cleaners left around three that afternoon. I checked over the club after they left. They always did a great job, but I never liked to assume that things were perfect unless I’d seen to it myself.

Tonight was another Singles Night mixer, so things had to be even more ready than usual. The monthly events brought in lots of potential new members, so I liked everything to be in top form.

I ran my hand over a spanking bench. Hopefully, I’d have time for a scene of my own tonight. Part of my job was to run events like this, and that made it hard to find time for myself sometimes. But I needed time with Emma tonight.

Emma. I frowned as I remembered. Had she ever texted me back? I pulled my phone out and checked my sent messages.

Drew:See you tonight, kitten. Come early.
