Page 8 of Bet on Me

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Emma took the bottle and obediently drank. She looked at me as she finished the last sip. “So now what, Sir?”

I was still standing, watching her with interest. “I’ll admit I’m surprised by how you took that punishment. Perhaps I underestimated you.”

“I told you—” Emma started.

I held up a hand to silence her. “Perhaps. But I doubt it. I maintain that while you think you need hard, intense play, the way I prefer to play would be too much for you. But I accept that you feel differently. So, here’s what will happen, should you consent to it.”

It was time to lay it out on the line. Give her that chance she’d been angling for. On my terms.

Emma’s eyes followed me as I paced in front of her.

“You aren’t going to be able to get back home for the next 24 to 48 hours, at a minimum. Maybe more, depending on the amount of snow we get. During that time, you will be my submissive. 24 hours a day. We will play at my level. I won’t hold back. You will have your safe words. If my style is too intense for you, too much for you, you may safe word. As always, all play will stop. This time, permanently. If you safe word out, at any point, it will be my confirmation that you should not be playing at this intensity. I will keep you safe, take care of you here through the storm, no matter how this goes. But if you want me to consider playing with you, today or in the future, those are the terms.”

“And what if I don’t safe word, Sir? What if I take it all for you?” Emma jutted her chin out stubbornly.

I doubted that would be the case, but fair was fair. “Then I will accept that you can take, and may need, that level of play, and will consent to play with you in the future.”

Her eyes were wide, shining with curiosity. “Then yes, Sir. I consent. To anything and everything you’ll give me.”

I held her gaze. “Be sure, baby. I’ll respect your safe words. And I’ll respect your hard limits. But beyond that? Baby, I’m going to break you.”



Ohmygod.Ohmy god. This was happening. Fuck, I was turned on. And scared.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on Drew. I held what I hoped was a brave face. “Yes, Sir. I’m sure.”

“All right then, baby. Stand.” He nodded at me.

I clambered to my feet, fully in submissive mode and ready to obey. My ass was still on fire, a delicious burn. I wanted more.


I kept my eyes on Drew as I kicked my shoes off. My pants were still around my knees, where I’d pulled them down for my spanking. I pulled them all the way off, bringing my underwear with them. The jacket joined the pile. I pulled my shirt up and over my head, then dropped it on the floor as well. I swallowed as I unhooked my bra and dropped my last layer of defense on top of the pile.

“Hands at your sides.” His voice was deep, clipped, and so, so commanding, sending another rush of heat to my core.

I moved my hands to my sides where they skimmed my hip bones. My fingers trembled slightly. I squeezed them together, hoping to hide my fear.

Drew’s dangerous smile sent shivers down my spine. The man missed nothing. “I like a little fear, baby. You should be afraid.”

He circled around me, his presence lingering in the air even after he took a step away. He gestured for me to come closer by crooking his finger. “Come,” he said simply. He turned and walked toward the main play area.

I followed him, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. He moved through the play area, with all of its equipment, and into the back hallway, where the theme rooms were. I’d played back there plenty of times, but most of the heavy impact play happened in the main play area. That we were going back here was already throwing me for a loop.

It dawned on me that this was likely a deliberate move on his part.

Drew continued nearly to the end of the hallway, pausing at a dark doorway. He looked back at me and gestured for me to enter.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I took in my surroundings. This was a room I hadn’t played in before. It held a leather-covered massage table in the center. Around the edges of the room were dozens of candles. This looked more like a day spa than a dungeon.

“Let’s start easy, baby. Lay down on your stomach. I’m going to make you feel good.”

My mind was in a jumble, and I couldn’t seem to sort out my thoughts. The promise of intense play contrasted so sharply with the calmness of this room. My skin prickled with uncertainty.

I laid myself prone on the massage table, adjusting my face to fit in the cradle. Massage was my favorite form of self-care—after coffee, of course—so I knew the drill, but I sensed this would be different. I listened while Drew moved around the room, the shuffling noises coming from different areas but giving away nothing.
