Page 142 of Unconditional Love

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Amon stepped closer and explained, “You thought about getting somewhere. That’s how it starts. Soon you’ll be able to control it better. Though your mind is that of a vampire with all your heightened senses, you’re not used to them and will slowly learn to unlock them.”


Amon gently kissed her between her shoulder blades and ran his nose up her neck. “Shall we take a dive?”

She was excited but also hesitant.

Rayen took her hand and pulled her into deeper water. “No need to be nervous.”

“We’re right here with you,” Silas reassured her.

She followed them into the deep water and watched each of them dive in. Out of pure habit, she took a deep breath and dove into an upcoming wave. The feeling of not having to breathe was both terrifying and freeing at the same time. Her mind was still thinking of herself as human, so it kept trying to make her breathe.

She swam after them. To her surprise, she could see them clearly just a few feet away from her. They took her to a gorgeous reef, with colorful fish swimming all around her. It was the most amazing thing she’d ever experienced. Once the light surrounding them started to fade, she followed them back to the house.

As she emerged from the water, Amon was already holding a towel for her, Rayen a sundress, and Silas a glass of blood. She smiled from ear to ear as she stepped closer. She kissed each one as she dried off, pulled the dress over her head, and took the glass from Silas’s hands.

“I don’t deserve you three.”

“I believe it is the other way around.” Amon laid his arm around her waist, letting her lean against him.

Taking little sips, she watched the sun disappear behind the horizon. As she took her last sip, Silas took her glass and Rayen eagerly pulled her into a kiss as if he’d been waiting to do so all day. He cupped her face and needily moved his lips over hers. She melted into his touch, his skin no longer feeling cool, but just right.

As she pulled back, she missed the feeling of her racing heart and how she was usually breathless from his kisses. But she had no time to sink deeper into those thoughts as Rayen stepped back between Silas and Amon. All three of them beamed and held out their hands palms up, revealing three gold rings.

“We were hoping you would take our name,” Rayen revealed.

“And any other name that we’ll take on as we live our lives,” Silas continued.

“Will you be ours forever?” Amon asked.

Her throat tied, and her skin started tingling all over. Pure, raw love flooded her entire body as she stepped closer holding her hand out and nodded, unable to say a word.

Silas stepped closer and slipped his ring over her finger. It was a sleek, thin, rose gold ring. Rayen did the same, his ring hugging Silas’s and Amon’s did the same as he slipped his ring on last.

Looking down at their hands, she saw each of them also wearing rings to match hers. When she took Amon’s hand in hers, she noticed his ring had two bands. One for her and one for Marianna.

“I hope you don’t mind.” His voice was slightly wavered, as if he was afraid she would disapprove.

She wrapped her arms around him and stepped on her tiptoes. “I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.”

First she kissed him, pouring all her love and approval into their touch before doing the same with Silas and then Rayen.

“I love you,” she whispered, still speechless as she pulled all three of them into a hug.

“We love you, Mrs. Seavey.”

The End
