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“It’s been almost seventy-two hours since she was taken, and Pierce feels that we’ll have her back soon.”

Brynn’s gaze misted over. “I hope so. Then she’s never allowed out of our sight. Not even to go pee by herself. Like, ever again.” Her small hands fisted at her sides.

“I’m sure she’ll love that,” Jace chuckled.

I glanced at Chance, who had been relatively quiet. “I realize that Tim has shady people in his life, but is the FBI or Pierce and Sutton looking at everyone he’s associated with? It’s now clear that Tim knows who took her.”

“Pierce said he and Sutton are working around the clock, so I know they’re checking into every possibility. Pierce said they take turns sleeping for a few hours in order to be able to work on River’s case without a break. I’m going to check in with Pierce tonight if I haven’t heard from him.” I fidgeted in my seat as waves of anxiety rolled over me.

“I feel like they’ll be more helpful than the police or FBI.” Chance slipped his arm around Brynn as tears flowed down her cheeks.

“At least we know she’s alive,” I whispered. “River is alive.” I stood, unable to sit still any longer. “That’s what I’m holding onto. I hope like hell Tim has another conversation with whoever he was talking to. If we can even get a hint of where she’s at ...” I groaned in frustration and rubbed my face with my hands. “In order not to lose my mind with worry. I need to decide what to do about 4 Play.”

“Did you find out more?” Chance asked.

“Yeah, Officer Walters called me. They know it’s arson.”

Jace smirked. “Good, maybe they’ll arrest Tim.”

“I think the FBI would block that pretty quick since Tim is giving us answers without realizing it.” I placed my hands on my hips. “The club, cars, penthouse … it’s all toast. I can’t even get into the building to see if anything is salvageable. It’s too dangerous. I’m going to call the insurance company in a few minutes and see what the next step is. Chance, is your offer still open for me to stay here? I can’t live at Mom’s. I went by there earlier to change the access codes and it’s too much without River.”

“You know it, man. After everything you’ve done for me … shit, I wouldn’t have this place to live or … my life if it wasn’t for you.”

“This is how it’s supposed to be. Family takes care of each other,” Brynn said softly, her attention landing on each of us.

“Damn straight,” Jace chimed in. “If you need a break from Chance, then you’re welcome at my place too.”

I placed my hand over my heart as an emotional lump formed in my throat. “Not to get all sentimental, but I love you guys. There’s no way I’d make it through all of this without each of you.”

“We’ve got you. Don’t ever forget it,” Jace replied.

“Always.” Chance patted his chest.

“And forever,” Brynn said, smiling gently.

“I’m going to make a call, then I’ll look at the clothes you guys picked up for me. I appreciate it. I’m not a shopper unless it’s for a car, which I need to do soon. The cars were totaled. At least I have Zayne for now. He’s getting paid, so I might as well utilize him and his kick-ass driving skills.”

“Oh, I’ll search online for some ideas unless you want another BMW.” Brynn chewed on her bottom lip, I suspected ideas were brewing in her beautiful head.

“Go for it. You know what I like.” I hoped it would keep her occupied and her mind off River. At least for a minute.

The rest of the afternoon was chock-full of conversations and paperwork for the insurance and trying on a shit ton of items Brynn had bought for me. I’d asked her to pick up a tux for me once, and she must have jotted down my sizes because everything fit perfectly. She’d purchased eight pairs of designer jeans, polo and button-down shirts, tees, Nikes, socks, boxer-briefs, and things I hadn’t even considered, including my two favorite colognes. At this point, I would only need to buy something if I had a special occasion.

I thanked her profusely and gave her a huge hug. I wondered if Chance had enjoyed his time with her or if the shopping spree had bored him to pieces.

Jace ran out and picked up dinner for all of us. We’d opted for Chinese food. My appetite was a little better since I’d at least learned that River was alive. She was then, but she might not be now. A chill skated down my spine with that horrible idea. I gave it a swift kick in the ass, refusing to believe that was true. River was a fighter. Strong. I refused to give up on her.

My first concern was figuring out a place for her to feel safe when she returned. Mom’s house was off-limits. We needed our own space to run around naked and not wonder when Mom would walk through the front door.

It was almost eight in the evening when my cell rang. I removed it from my shorts pocket and glanced at the screen. “It’s Pierce,” I announced to the group before I answered. “This is Holden.”

“We’ve got another lead,” Pierce began immediately. “Normally I don’t like to discuss details over the phone, but I’m going to make an exception.”

I really did appreciate him getting right to the point.

“Fill me in.” I paced the length of the living room, then stood in front of the window. The sun had set half an hour ago, and the city was cloaked in darkness.

“Do you know a woman named Elaine Winsor?”
