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The city view from the penthouse was stunning, but all it did was make me miss River even more. The space was tastefully decorated with beige and white striped wallpaper that carried into the other rooms. A Victorian sofa and four chairs filled the living area. A large, flatscreen television rested on a dark brown entertainment cabinet. At first, I’d been concerned that we wouldn’t have any privacy if we needed to have a breakdown, but there was plenty of space.

Chance and Jace had picked a bedroom and shut their doors. I was bone-weary tired, but I couldn’t fucking sleep. Not yet. My mind was racing with possibilities for River and Brynn.

I checked my phone several times and ensured the volume was up. I’d contemplated reaching out to Tim about Brynn, but I wasn’t sure Zayne would appreciate it. I didn’t see the difference since Tim usually knew where I was anyway. If he’d wanted to hurt me, he would have done it by now.

I smashed the palm of my hand against the glass window. It took me a few minutes of silence to realize I needed to call Mom. I wasn’t sure if she was still in London or somewhere else, but I checked the time on my cell. It was a little after two in the afternoon. To my knowledge, she was eight hours ahead of me.

Grabbing my phone out of my shorts pocket, I pulled up her number and placed the call.

“Hi, honey.” Mom sounded tired, but happy to hear from me.

“Hey. How’s your trip going?” I leaned my forehead against the window, watching the Portland traffic come to a standstill on the streets below.

“Exhausting, but good. I’m accomplishing so much more than I’d anticipated. How about you? I hope you’re calling with some good news about River.”

I counted my next four heartbeats before I answered. “Nothing yet. But the guys and I are in Portland right now.”

“Oh? Is there a lead you’re chasing there?” Mom asked.

“Not exactly.”

“Well, why would you leave town? What if there’s a break in the case and you’re not there? How would River feel if she’s rescued and you’re in another state?”

Mom was smart and didn’t miss much.

“I wouldn’t have. Mom, Brynn was diagnosed with stage three lymphoma. They transferred her to the OHSU Knight Cancer Center. She started chemo today and she had a fucked-up reaction. She … she coded a little while ago, but they revived her.” I ground my molars together in an attempt to keep my emotions in check while on the phone.

“What? Holden, if this is some kind of sick joke …I—”

“I’d never play with you like that, Mom.” My chest heaved as I battled the tears again. “She’s resting now. Jace, Chance, and I had to leave the center. I’ll call and check in soon.”

“Okay. Okay. Okay.” Her voice trembled.

I closed my burning eyes and gave Mom a minute to process. “I’ll cancel the rest of my meetings and be on the first flight to Portland. Are her parents there?” She sniffled.

“They’re flying in from somewhere in Europe. I have no idea when they’ll be here. They knew about the cancer and didn’t bother to come home,” I said through clenched teeth.

“I made that mistake once with Hannah, and I’ll never do it again. Brynn is like another daughter to me. I’ll contact the hospital and ensure she has the best care possible.”

I wasn’t sure what to say. Mom rarely mentioned Hannah. She’d held her ground about cutting ties with her after Hannah’s continuous drug use. I was so angry with her that it hadn’t occurred to me that Mom had gone through hell and had never shared her grief with me. She just kept pushing me away, and I hadn’t understood her behavior. At seventeen, I’d thought I had the entire world figured out. Hearing Mom’s reaction that afternoon was a wake-up call. It wasn’t that Mom hadn’t cared about Hannah. She simply grieved differently. I lost a sister, but Mom lost a daughter.

A smile eased across my face. I should have called Mom sooner. She was a fucking force to be reckoned with when she wanted shit done.

“I’m going to pack and schedule my flight. I’ll send you the details shortly. I’ll fly into Portland and rent a car. Where are you staying?” The sounds in the background told me she was most likely running around, throwing shit in a suitcase.

“I’m at the Hyatt. We have the penthouse, but I’m guessing you won’t want to stay with a bunch of guys.”

“Can you book a room for me at the same hotel? I’ll email you as soon as I have the flight details.” Her phone clattered to the floor. “I’m sorry, Holden. I’m so rattled, I’m trying to talk on my phone and pack instead of using the speaker.”

“I understand.” I took a step away from the window and headed to the bar. I could definitely use a drink later to knock the edge off. For now, I’d see what was available.

“I guess it won’t help that I’m packed if I don’t have a flight yet.” Mom sighed. “She’s too young to leave us, Holden. Brynn’s a fighter. She has her entire life ahead of her.” Mom hiccupped through her tears. “But I’m sure as hell not helping her any by blubbering on the phone. I’ll send you my flight details.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon. I’ll update you with any news.”

“Thanks, honey.”

“Hey, Mom?”
