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“Just call the front desk and ask for a few bags. And salt,” I said, excited about the possibility of being able to connect the memories. “I did some research, and if you add salt to cold water, it lowers the temperature faster.”

“Huh, I didn’t realize that,” Chance said, downing his drink.

Ten minutes later, Jace produced his mom’s black book of notes and flipped it open. He heaved a sigh. “Are you sure, man?”

Jace was nervous. I didn’t blame him. I hadn’t ever gone under hypnosis after drinking. “Yeah. I’ve got to get some closure.” I wouldn’t admit it, but that’s exactly what I was after. My entire life was open-ended, hanging on a shred of hope that something good would happen. I had to take control again, in whatever way I could.

I stepped out of my shoes and crawled into the bathtub, fully clothed. Chance threw a few hotel towels on the floor so I wouldn’t bust my ass getting out of the tub soaking wet. Two more were ready for me on the towel warmer.

This was a huge risk, and I realized Jace and Chance understood it, but I needed to make sure they knew something first. “If anything happens. I love you guys. Take care of River and Brynn.”

“Fuck off,” Chance said. “If we lose you, I’m going to jerk you out of the tub and beat you until you snap back to reality.” Chance cracked his knuckles. “Just saying.”

I grinned at him. “Asshole.”

No additional words were necessary as we stared at each other for a minute. “Let’s do this.”

I sank into the tub and willed myself to relax. Jace began to read from his mom’s notes, and I slipped further and further away. I focused on my rhythmic breathing. In. Out. In. Out.

“Hello?” I called out. I was in the hall again, but there wasn’t a white light this time. It was pitch fucking black. I put my hands up in front of me, attempting to feel for a wall. I inched forward and chewed on my bottom lip. An overhead light came on, and my eyes struggled to adjust to the harsh brightness.

The young lady I’d seen before with the leash around her neck was curled up in the corner of a cell, naked and shivering. I looked around the room, but we were alone. She peered up at me. Dirt covered her legs and knees. Her dark hair was matted to the side of her head.

“Are you alone?” I asked, approaching tentatively.

“Who sent you?” she asked, her teeth chattering. “What do you want?”

“I want to help. Why are you here?” I wrapped my fingers around the bars of her cell.

“You’re here to hurt me.” She drew her legs tighter against herself.

“What’s your name? I’m …” I suddenly realized I shouldn’t give her my real name just in case she told someone that I’d been down here. Wherever down here was. “Steven.”

She stared at me. Her dark eyes were clearer than when I’d seen her at the party.

I glanced at the lock, but it needed a key. It wasn’t as if I could sneak down here and set her free. Where would she go? What would happen to her?

“Are they … do they hurt you?” My throat was hoarse, thick, and scratchy with a combination of anger and pity.

“Holden.” I jerked around at the whisper of my name. “Help me.”

The darkness faded into a playroom I didn’t recognize. “Yes?” I steadied myself, then walked around a pile of Legos. Crayons were scattered across the floor, some broken and others, the wrapper had been torn off.

“Holden,” the voice said from behind me. I whirled around. The same faceless kid stood in front of me. Why the hell couldn’t I see their face?

“I’m here.” I held my hand out and finally realized I was young again. Most likely close to the same age.

Little fingers wrapped around mine. “Promise me they won’t rip us apart.” A slight lisp reached my ears.

“Why would anyone want to separate us?” I scrambled to understand what they were referring to.

“Promise me, Holden. Please.”

“I promise.”

Little arms circled around my torso, and I did my best to comfort them. The room flickered in and out. The little person stepped back, and their face began to take shape. Jesus, what was happening? Terror ripped through me, and I stumbled backward, staring at the person that haunted me.

“I don’t understand. Stay away from me!” I crawled backward, frantically searching for a way out.
