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“What’s that?”

“If you’re here, you have to be beautiful.”

A flush traveled up my neck and cheeks. Holden’s warm smile came to mind, and I melted. I clutched the blanket and brought it closer to my chest, longing for Holden’s arms around me.

“So ... what do you look like?” Reid asked.

“Probably like we’re related.” I grinned even though he couldn’t see me. “I have waist length brown hair, and my eyes are blue. They’re the first thing people tend to notice about me. Otherwise, I’m just average looking. I ran cross-country track in high school. I’m tall for a girl, I guess.”

“Tell me more, River. Please? It’s so nice to have a normal conversation, even if we are in this hellhole.”

I understood what he meant. I’d only been here for a few days, and the heaviness of the isolation had nearly smothered me.

“I grew up in Montana with my guardian, Dan.” An uncontrollable shiver skated down my back as images of his lifeless, bloody body assaulted my brain. I swallowed, and my stomach growled. Apparently, I’d pissed Barrett off with the news because he hadn’t fed me at all.

“He wasn’t a good man.” I rested my palm against my lower abdomen, wondering if the baby was okay.

“What happened to your mom?” Reid’s tone was soft and gentle.

“I don’t know. I mean, she had a drug problem, and she would leave …” I wasn’t ready to talk about my baby brother. Not yet. “She’d leave me alone in our apartment for days at a time. Eventually she never came home. Child Services said I’d tried to claw my way through the door to get out.”

“You’re a survivor already, River.”

Instead of him feeling sorry for me, he’d immediately pointed out the fact I’d made it through those horrible days. I hadn’t thought about it like that, but Reid was right.

“I’ve never had a choice.” I waited for him to ask another question, but he didn’t. “Do you have any memories before you were brought here?” I questioned if it would be easier if he said no, or if it had left an enormous hole inside of him he’d never been able to fill.

“Not really. I think when I was taken, my brain protected me and blocked out the life I’d had before. Hell, I don’t even recall how old I was. I just remember waking up in a strange bed, scared shitless. A nice man fed me and told me that my parents had died in a car accident. I honestly have no idea if they did or not. All I know is that I never saw them again.” A long pause filled the air. “I don’t even remember what they looked like.”

Saying nothing, I waited for Reid to continue while my heart looped around itself, rolling into a pile of painful knots. I hoped there was a special place in Hell for people who stole and harmed children. I scrubbed my face with my hands, searching for something to say.

My stomach growled loudly again.

“Is that your stomach?”

“Sorry. I haven’t eaten today.”

“That’s not good for you and the baby. Hang on.” The sound of plastic rustled before Reid spoke again. “I’m going to try to slide this to you.”

Frowning, I jumped out of bed. “What is it?”

“It’s not much. Since I’m extra nice to the guard, he brings me snacks that I hide beneath my mattress. It’s a blueberry muffin.”

“Reid, save it. You … earned it.” I cringed. What a shitty thing to say. No one should ever have to earn food by providing sex. A little whisper in my head reminded me I would most likely be doing the same soon.

“River, I’m not growing a baby inside of me. I’ll get more, I swear.” Reid’s arm poked through the bottom of the cell. “I’m going to slide it and hope it gets close enough for you to grab.”

Smashing my forehead against the iron bars, I reached my hand through and waited for the item to come my way. The plastic scraped the floor, then it landed in my palm. “I got it!” Never in a million years would I have thought I would be excited about a partially smashed muffin. Without hesitation, I ripped the bag open and took a bite. “Oh my God. Reid, it’s so good.” Tears burned my eyes. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I wish I could hug you and tell you everything is going to be all right.”

I leaned my head against the door. “I know. You, too.” Savoring every bite, since I had no idea when I’d eat again, I nibbled slowly on my dinner. “Hey, Reid?”


“Do you think we can touch? I mean if we stretch our arms, do you think we might be able to?” I moved to the closest corner of my tiny room and waited for his reply.

“I’ve never tried because I’m usually alone in here.”
