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“In my bag.” I sat up, realizing it wasn’t here and neither was my weapon. “Shit, it’s in the downstairs bedroom along with my knife.”

“I’ll get it for you. I’ll program my number into your cell so you can text or call if you need anything. I’m hoping you’ll sleep through the night, though.”

I tried to suppress my yawn but didn’t win the fight. “Who’s the lesbian in the group?”

Holden’s head tilted in question. “Are you? A lesbian I mean?”

“Nope, but I’m not opposed to experimenting.”

Holden’s brows shot to his hairline and the corner of his lips pulled up into a smile. “You’re wasted. I doubt you’ll even remember you said that by tomorrow.”

“Maybe, but I really don’t have an issue with it. I think gay people are human beings just like the rest of us and I don’t give a flying fuck who they love or sleep with.” I shrugged a shoulder.

Holden’s dark eyes searched me. “Are you bi?”

“No. I’ve had sex twice with a guy … willingly. It wasn’t great sex. I was sixteen and it was mostly fumbling around until he found the hole.”

Holden’s chuckle filled the room. “It takes a little bit of practice for a guy to learn their way around.”

I blew out a sigh. “To be fair, I haven’t ever been with a girl, so I don’t know if I would like it or not. Based on my two measly experiences, I definitely like dick.”

Holden laughed so hard his chest shook, his eyes dancing with amusement. “I’m glad to hear it.” He reached up and brushed the tips of his fingers against my cheek. “Is your face feeling better?”

I froze but didn’t pull away, then he lowered his hand to his leg. If he wanted to rape me, he had the perfect opportunity. I kicked the fear in the ass and redirected my thoughts.

“Dude, everything feels good right now.” I huffed out a laugh and smiled. “But who’s … wait.” I smacked my palm against my forehead. “This doesn’t make sense. There are two women downstairs, and Becky has basically pissed all over you marking her territory. I mean we’re cousins.” I used air quotes to emphasize cousin. “I have no clue why she perceives me as a threat unless you’re into incest and I just don’t know that about you yet.”

Holden’s nostrils flared. “Gross. No.”

“I didn’t get the vibe that Brynn was bi, but I’m not myself right now. Maybe I missed it.”

“Those things are easy to miss. Becky is bi.”

“Ahh. Well, you didn’t need to warn her away from me. She already hates me.”

He scratched his head, and an uncomfortable smile fluttered on his lips. “Please ignore her. Her bark is worse than her bite.”

I leaned against the pillows, my brain hopping topics like a train running off the tracks. “Why?” My fingertips traced his angular jaw. “Why are you the black sheep? You’ve been nothing but kind to me ever since … this morning. What makes you so bad, Holden Alastair?”

Holden wrapped his large hand around mine. “One day I’ll tell you, but only if you share as well. Your secrets run dark and deep, and hopefully you’ll trust me with them.” He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, then stood. “I’ll get your bag and grab a bottled water, along with your meds.”

I didn’t miss the sadness in Holden’s eyes. The regret.

“Thanks,” I said softly, my heart thumping erratically against my rib cage. Apparently, the pain meds not only made me feel vulnerable but bold. No way would I have allowed Holden to touch me without them.

I wiggled down into the bed, wondering whose bedroom this was. Images raced through my mind, recapping the last twenty-four hours as I stared at the white tray ceiling. This time last night, I’d been freezing my ass off in Holden’s recycling bin after running for my life. I shook my head at how everything had changed so damned fast. Even though I had a broken leg, I was in a beautiful home filled with luxuries. It would be hard to leave, but this wasn’t where I belonged, and I knew it.

A sharp pain shot through my body, waking me from a sound sleep.

“Wake up, Cousin River.” Becky glared at me, then kicked my broken leg again.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I clenched my fists, ready to deck her if she got close enough.

“Here’s your bag.” Becky tossed it on the bed. “But this is interesting.” She held up my knife, the blade reflecting the soft light of the lamp Holden must have turned on.

“Give it to me. You have no right to go through my things.” I sat up, my mind automatically calculating how to defend myself. I hated to deflate Becky’s ego, but I’d faced a lot worse than her.

“I have a right to do anything I want.” Becky scrambled up the bed and over me, pinning me down when she straddled my waist. She leaned over me, her sneer full of anger. “I know you’re not his cousin. I’m not sure what you’re trying to hide, but I’m not buying any of it. I’ve known Holden since grade school and not once has he ever mentioned you.”
