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I didn’t want to touch this woman. She worked for monsters.

Kassandra cleared her throat and tilted her head toward the doctor, indicating that I needed to mind my manners. I shook the doctor’s hand, her slender fingers cold to the touch.

“Have a seat.” She waved to a chair with a small table that rested on the arm while she snapped on a pair of white latex gloves. “This won’t take long. I’m just going to do a bit of blood work.”

I eased into the seat and propped my arm up, my attention landing on a tray of tubes. The doctor was definitely prepared for me.

She touched the inside of my arm. “You have nice veins,” the doctor assured me as she tied a red-colored rubber band around my bicep.

I stared at the floor as she inserted the needle and withdrew a few tubes worth of blood. When she was done, she folded a gauze pad, placed it over the pinprick, then applied the medical tape.

“That’s it. I’ll run the pregnancy test first. If it’s positive, I’ll test for any deficiencies or concerns. We’ll give you a full workup.”

I couldn’t stop my frown. “You’re going to be my doctor until I have the baby?”

“We’ll discuss a plan once we have a firm answer. Don’t worry about anything. After all, we’re practically family,” Opal explained. “For now, we’ll wait a few hours.”

“Until then?” I stood, my legs wobbling with fear.

“Let’s eat. I’m famished.” Opal slipped her arm around my shoulders as if I were her best friend.

I fell into step next to her while Kassandra followed. As soon as I thought I understood these women, they changed their approach. I didn’t have a fucking clue why I was with them, though. If the test confirmed the pregnancy, would they keep me locked in the cell until delivery? If so, I wondered if the baby and I would be trapped in this hell for the rest of our lives.

Bile crept up my throat, and I choked it down. For now, I had to play the game and figure a way out of this mess. And when I was face-to-face with Holden again, safe in his arms, I would beg his forgiveness for ever ditching Zayne when all they both wanted to do was protect me … from situations like this.


When we returned to the same room as earlier, I noticed that the table had been cleaned, the snacks replaced with three covered plates.

After a hot meal of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and fresh rolls, I was stuffed. Opal and Kassandra had even allowed me to have a Dr. Pepper. Since I was pregnant, they didn’t want the baby to have too much caffeine. At this point, I didn’t mind. I was mentally and physically exhausted.

“Thank you for the food.” I wiped my mouth with the cloth napkin and wadded it into my lap, secretly hating myself for thanking them for anything.

“You’re welcome. It’s important that you eat healthy right now.” Opal’s phone vibrated and she retrieved the cell from her lap. She quickly checked the message, then set it down again.

I stifled a yawn as the food settled in my stomach.

“Do you want a boy or girl?” Kassandra asked.

“I don’t care. As long as the little one is healthy and happy. That’s all that matters.” I clenched my teeth in an attempt to not yawn again.

“Nothing like a good, hot meal to make you sleepy.” Opal reached out and patted my hand.

I nodded, suddenly feeling lethargic and dizzy. My gaze narrowed as I stared at my empty plate of food I’d gobbled up. Unsure of when I would eat again, I hadn’t given it a second thought.

The room spun, and I clutched the edge of the table. My ears rang as I attempted to bring my vision into focus. I tried to lift my arm, but it refused to cooperate.

“You drugged me.” My tongue felt dry and thick in my mouth. I should have been in a full-blown fucking panic, but my brain was too foggy to fully register the situation.

Kassandra’s mouth was moving, but I wasn’t able to make out what she was saying. My chair jerked back, then someone scooped me into their arms. My head lolled backward as I tried to make sense of what was happening, but the harder I tried, the worse I felt. I blinked rapidly, trying to decipher what I was looking at—who.

“Holden, help me,” I whispered as my world faded to black.

Chapter Nine

Holden wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled my back against his chest. This man was my entire world. He’d opened his heart to me, his life, and invited me in. The more his secrets were revealed, the more I realized we were both survivors. He’d lost his sister, Hannah. I’d lost my brother, Alan.

“I love you so much, River.” Holden smoothed my dark hair, then placed a kiss on my temple.
