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“Yeah. What if Anthony says no and reports me?” Reid’s voice trembled slightly.

I squeezed my eyes closed, unwilling to entertain the idea of what would happen if his conversation wasn’t what we hoped for. That’s what scared me the most. By the time this was over, I would end up even more damaged than when I met Holden. It would be easier to shove the pain and abuse down, bury it in a dark corner of my soul, and never revisit it. If Holden and I were reunited, I would have to fight the darkness, but even strong people had a breaking point.

If Anthony did agree, we wouldn’t know if he was for real until he showed up and snuck us past the fence. It was a gamble all the way around. I wouldn’t admit it to Reid because I didn’t want to freak him out any more than he already was, but I was fucking terrified. I couldn’t lose the only friend I had here.

“He won’t. I can’t hear everything he says, but it’s clear this man really loves you. I almost wish you loved him back.” I released a soft giggle, my nerves getting the best of me.

We remained silent for a minute, then Reid spoke. “Do you know what keeps me on track with the plan?”

“What?” I knew a lot of things propelled me forward and kept me focused. Holden, Brynn, Jace, Chance, and Reid. Not to mention all the kids we would be setting free from a cruel and abusive life.

“I’ll be able to see your face and hug you.”

My heart beat frantically behind my rib cage. “You, too.” I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Reid, when we’re out of here, you’ll stay with Holden and me. We have plenty of bedrooms and we’ll move you in. I don’t want you to be worried about a place to live or a job. The adjustment to living in the world and not … in captivity is going to be hard enough. I’ve got your back … always.”

Nervous silence stretched between us. I scrambled to fill the gap. “If you want, I mean.”

“River.” Reid’s voice was deep and husky. Apparently, I’d upset him. “It never occurred to me that, for the first time in my twenty-three years, I would have to find a place to live. I don’t have any skills to work … I …”

Dammit. I’d spooked him. “Do you want the chance to see what a good life is about?” My tone was soft and gentle. I couldn’t even begin to wrap my head around what this change looked like for him. I would return to Holden and my friends. Reid had nothing—no one. At least he had me, but I needed him, too. He was the only person on this earth that understood what the compound was all about.

“Yeah. I do. I just never figured freedom would look so scary. Shit, I haven’t ever entertained the idea that I would leave here unless I was dead.”

I slapped my free hand over my mouth, stifling my cry. “That’s changing now.”

“Thank you,” Reid whispered. “I need a few minutes to think about what I’m going to say to Anthony tonight. Is that okay?”

“Of course it is.” I desperately wished there was something else I could do for Reid, but our future lay in his and Anthony’s hands.

It wasn’t much longer before Anthony arrived. Forcing myself to breathe, I blew out a quiet sigh. Anxiety pulled and twisted my insides into a million knots. I closed my eyes and imagined I was with Holden when Anthony and Reid got busy. Hearing them didn’t bother me anymore, but I tried to pretend they had some privacy.

A while later, the moans of pleasure settled into a soft hush of whispers. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t pace my cell. I didn’t want to break Reid’s train of thought.

“We can run away together,” Reid said softly.

Come on, Anthony. Say yes. Please.

I struggled to hear more of their conversation, only catching words here and there. I couldn’t tell if Anthony was on board or not. Most nights, I didn’t care how long Anthony stayed, as long as Reid was content. But not knowing what was going on was fucking torture. I reminded myself that if Anthony didn’t agree or backed out, torture would have an entirely new meaning for me in two days. Raped, beaten, forced to have sex with men and women. I swallowed over the panic.

Finally, Reid’s cell opened and closed, then footsteps and the click of the door. It was amazing how I’d learned to listen to what was going on around me when I couldn’t see.


I hurried to the bars. “I’m shaking, I’m so nervous.”

“Give me your hand, River.”

I extended my arm until our fingers connected. “What happened? Are you all right?”

“I told him if he helped us that I would run away with him. We could start a life together free from this place.”

An invisible band squeezed tighter and tighter around my chest. “Were you being honest with him, or telling him what you needed to?” My voice squeaked. “Reid, did he say yes or no? I need to know that first. Please.”

“He said yes. Anthony will help us, and we’ll leave tomorrow night. It will give him time to put together a plan on his end.”

I sank to my knees, Reid slipping away from me. Placing my palms against the cold concrete floor, I struggled to filter through the onslaught of emotions. Fear, gratitude, hope, then reality bitch-slapped me in the face.

“We need a plan to keep you safe in case Anthony betrays us.” I rose and leaned against the wall.
