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“Can I sit with you guys?” I asked, pointing at the seat between Reid and Chance.

“Of course,” Reid pulled out the chair for me and flashed a sexy as hell smile at me. The same one Holden had.

“Chance, are you going to teach Reid to play basketball?” I hadn’t seen the guys play, but I bet it was competitive as hell. Brynn and I could sit on the sidelines as we watched the sweat glisten off their bare chests and ripped abs. “We should find a court. Brynn and I can cheer while you guys play and teach Reid.” I looked at Reid. “What do you think?”

“If he wants. Jace is better than I am, but Holden is the king.” Chance ran his hands through his blonde hair, his blue eyes studying Brynn while she slept.

“I’m all about some exercise. Plus, it looks fun.” Reid’s attention returned to the muted television.

Holden strolled over and took an empty chair at the table with us. “I just got off the phone with Mom.” He leaned back, stretching his long, muscular legs out in front of him. My gaze traveled from his thighs to his gorgeous face, and my stomach plummeted to my toes. The ability to ignore his mom much longer wasn’t an option.

“I didn’t realize she’d gone home to Washington for a few days. She returns tomorrow and wants to see everyone. She burst into tears when I told her you were here, babe.”

Wide-eyed, I stared at him. “You didn’t tell her when you texted everyone that night?”

Holden laced his fingers behind his neck while he stared at his brother. “No. I wasn’t convinced that she hadn’t been a part of your kidnapping. It didn’t seem like a good idea until we knew for sure that she wasn’t involved. Not to mention, I think I was in shock and trying to process Reid.”

I understood Holden’s hesitation. “Thank you for protecting us.” I patted the back of Reid’s hand. “I don’t think the conversation with Catherine is going to be easy.”

Reid’s shoulders tensed, then he rubbed his stubbled chin. It was eerie as hell that even his mannerisms were similar to Holden’s.

“I’m not sure what to say to her. I mean how is this going to go down?” he asked Holden.

A small smile pulled at Holden’s mouth. “Normally, this would be your problem, since you’re the big brother, but …”

Reid chuckled. “Give me some time, bro. I’ll be bossing you around and making up for the lost years.”

I giggled, enjoying the brotherly teasing.

Chance drummed his fingers on the table. “Well, what are you wanting to achieve? Do you want to take Catherine off-guard, so you have a better chance of learning the truth? Or are you going to talk to her, then decide if you believe her or not?”

I offered a forced shrug, trying to be casual when I was actually freaking out inside. This whole thing could go terribly wrong, and I wanted to protect Holden from any more pain. Even though he had his brother back, he’d lost Reid and Hannah, and Tim had turned out to be a real piece of shit. Mallory and Catherine were his only family left, and I couldn’t speak for Mallory, since I hadn’t met her.

“I think catching her off-guard would work best. That way she doesn’t have time to change her story. Mom doesn’t rattle easily, and when it comes down to it, her poker face is exceptional. The only way we’re going to get a true reaction is for me and Reid to show up together. River can help us look for any signs Mom is lying.”

I nodded. “I hate to throw someone off guard like that, but I think it’s necessary. However, this isn’t only about Catherine, it’s about Reid, too. He needs to feel comfortable with the plan.”

Holden cast a lingering glance my way.

“I don’t think any scenario you all play out is going to be easy, but it should be up to Reid. He’s the one meeting his mother after all these years,” Chance offered.

“Yeah, it all sucks,” Reid shoved his fingers through his hair, leaving a section sticking straight up.

I resisted the urge to flatten it. Reid wasn’t Holden, and I needed to be careful with how comfortable I allowed myself to be around him.

“Let’s get it over with, then. She’ll be returning to the hotel early. She continued paying for the room even while she was gone.” Holden leaned forward and propped his elbows on the table. “Reid, whatever happens tomorrow, whatever Mom says, I’m on your side. From the details that I was able to remember, you and I were close when we were little. Rebuilding our relationship is my first priority. Other than River, I mean.”

My chest warmed with his confession. Even though he’d made it clear I was the most important person to him, sometimes it was nice to hear. Hopefully, he and Reid would end up close. I suspected that Holden missed that with Hannah.

“I appreciate it. I feel as though I’m swimming in shark-infested waters. I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, and I need a life vest,” Reid said.

“Dude, if sharks are around you, a vest won’t do shit. You need a helicopter to pull your ass out of that water.” Chance grinned at him. “Regardless, we’ve all got your back.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Well, that’s settled,” Holden said as Vaughn opened the hotel door, carrying several bags of food.

My mouth watered as I caught a whiff of the sweet and sour chicken.
