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“I swear around her all the time. She’s used to it. And yes, we’re going to give each other shit, but we’ll also be best friends.”

I bit my lip, trying not to cry.

“I hope so. I really want to make this family thing work. I’ve never had a chance before.”

“You do now,” I said.

“It’s crazy how our lives look so different after a few weeks.” Catherine sipped her wine. “So, Holden and River, what about the two of you? Would you be interested in moving home for a little while?”

“Let us talk about it. River just got back, and I know Chance needs someone to stay at his place for a while. It might be after Chance and Brynn return to Spokane. I’m not sure if she’ll want to live with her parents again or not.”

That’s assuming she beats this. There was no way I would say that out loud, and both the guys understood the stakes.

“Let me know.” Catherine folded her hands in her lap, smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning.

Holden glanced at me, then to Catherine and Reid. “I put in an offer on a piece of property this afternoon. We’ll know in a few days if it’s accepted. River and I want to build a log house.”

“That’s wonderful! Where is it?” she asked.

“Sandpoint. There are five acres on the lake. Those opportunities don’t come around often. We’ve also agreed to rebuild the club. The next several months will be busy, but we’ll have a lot of good things to look forward to.”

We all toasted to a new beginning, then Holden’s cell rang. He fished it out of his back pocket and frowned, then lifted it to his ear.

“What’s up, man? Is everything all right?”

The color drained from Holden’s cheeks. “Are you sure?” He paused, frowning. “Yeah, of course. We’ll meet you there.” Holden rose from his chair before he even hung up the phone.

“What’s the matter, son?”

“I can’t believe it.” Shock and disbelief twisted Holden’s features.

“Babe, you’re scaring me.” I tugged on the hem of his shirt. “Is it Brynn?”

Chapter Thirty

“It was Jace. Emerson woke up from her coma earlier today.”

Catherine’s silverware clinked on the edge of the China plate before it tumbled to the wood floor. She scooted her chair back in a hurry. “What? Our Emerson? It’s been years.”

“Jace said he was absolutely positive. Her mother just called him. She’s asking for us.”

Holy fucking shit. “I can stay here while you go, babe. Emerson doesn’t know me, and I don’t want to overwhelm her.”

“No, I need you there. Plus, she’ll ask about Chance and Brynn most likely. Reid, I’ll drop off your belongings tomorrow. Mom, maybe you can take him shopping. He didn’t come home with anything except the clothes on his back. Jace took him out a few days ago, but he needs more.”

“Of course, I’ll take him. It will be fun.”

If things hadn’t been so serious, I would have laughed. From Reid’s expression, I didn’t think he agreed with Catherine, but at least they would have some time together. I hurried over, hugged Catherine goodbye, and thanked her for dinner. Reid stood, then embraced me and kissed me on the cheek.

“I’ll call you later.” I kissed him on the cheek, then Holden and I hurried out of the house and into Zayne’s Mercedes.

“We need to pick up Jace, then head to the hospital,” Holden explained.

Zayne’s concerned gaze appeared in the rearview mirror.

“No, someone just woke from a five-year coma.” Holden buckled up, and I slid across the smooth black leather to the middle seat and fastened my seatbelt.

Zayne’s brow lifted, but he didn’t ask any additional questions as he shifted into gear and eased onto the street.
