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“I assume that you guys have talked about how to tell her what happened?” I rubbed my palm along Holden’s thigh, wishing I could help him.

“Yeah. It’s ingrained in my brain.” He took my hand and stared out the window at his mom’s street. “It’s kind of crazy that Maxwell hit you with his car and broke your leg. I knew the minute I saw the damage that you would be stuck staying with me.”

“I hate to admit it but getting hit by him was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought us together.” I kissed him, then snuggled.

“If I hadn’t forced you to stay with me, I might have stalked you anyway.” He grinned as he rubbed my leg, and we fell into silence. I suspected he was playing a million different scenarios in his mind concerning the situation with Emerson.

Hopefully, Emerson would be able to heal and piece her life together. It sucked that Brynn wasn’t here to see her, but maybe the good news would give her something else to live for.

An hour later Jace, Holden, and I were shown to Emerson's room. We were finally at a hospital for something other than a trauma. No chemo treatments, no broken limbs, just the guys visiting a friend.

Emerson must have had a private space since there was only one bed. The white walls were bare other than a whiteboard with the nurse and doctor's name on it, dietary needs, and medications. A small television was mounted on the wall, muted.

Feeling awkward with the situation, I attempted to hide behind Holden, but he wouldn’t have it.

“Holden, thank you all for coming,” an older woman with grey, shoulder-length hair said as she hugged my boyfriend. “Jace.” They embraced, then she turned to me. “Hi, I’m Peggy, Emerson’s Mom.”

“Hi, I’m River.” I shook her hand, feeling out of place. It didn’t matter though. Holden needed my support, and I would move heaven and Earth to give him anything he needed.

Peggy stepped out of the way, revealing a gorgeous blonde in a hospital bed. Her large blue eyes lit up when she saw us.

“Hey, Emerson,” Jace said, approaching her. “It’s good to see you.”

“Jace?” She stared at him. “Thank you for coming. Wow, you look different, but still the same.” Her gaze darted across the room. “I can’t mistake Holden. He looks the same, only hotter.” Emerson’s attention fell on me. “I don’t remember you.” Her forehead creased slightly with confusion. “The doctor said I might have some memory loss, so I apologize. Please don’t take it personally.”

“It’s okay. You haven’t met her yet, Emerson. This is River, my girlfriend,” Holden explained.

“You settled down?” Emerson attempted to smile at me, but without years of movement, it would take a while for her to regain muscle control. “These two … well at least when we were in high school, were so full of trouble, but they were some of the best friends I could have ever had.”

“We still are.” Holden took her hand. “It’s really good to see you awake.”

“It’s so freaking weird. I look different … everyone is older, but I have no idea what’s happening in the world today. When Mom told me what year it was, I freaked. I mean how am I going to wrap my head around all of this?” Fear and excitement flashed in her eyes.

“We’ll all help you,” Jace said. “We’ve got this.”

Emerson searched the room. “Where’s Brynn? Chance? Are they not living in Spokane anymore?”

“They are, but they’re in Portland right now.”

“Oh, together? As in they’re married?” Emerson asked eagerly.

“No …” Holden rubbed the back of his neck. “Brynn has cancer. She’s being treated at the Knight Center.”

Emerson’s blue eyes filled with tears. “That’s awful. Is there hope?”

“Always,” I whispered. “Plus, she’s strong and feisty. She’s going to beat this.”

Holden took my hand in his. “River’s right. Brynn’s got this, and she will be ecstatic when we tell her that you’re awake. I’m sure she’ll want to call you.”

Over the next half hour, Emerson plied Jace and Holden with a million questions. She reminded me of Reid, absorbing everything like a sponge.

The more they talked, it became clear that they were all close. I wondered what she would think if she found out about the club, how the guys had protected Brynn and lied for her—saved her. The pact they’d made had been proof that they would do anything for each other. My breath stuttered, and I stopped breathing for a moment. These were my friends now. My life and family. Overcome with gratefulness, I dipped my head and looked at the floor. I refused to get emotional in front of a stranger.

Emerson released a soft giggle, appearing in awe of how her voice sounded. She was a breath of fresh air, and I hoped I had the opportunity to get to know her better.


Holden and I crawled into Chance’s bed at nearly midnight. We’d called Brynn and told her about Emerson. Everything inside of me wanted to see Brynn’s beautiful face light up with the news, but she refused to FaceTime. Sometimes she was a stubborn ass.
