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In an attempt to stop my mind from spinning out, I turned on the TV and selected HBO Max. After scrolling for a bit, I chose Gossip Girl. I’d never had cable, and the antenna on our TV at the trailer wasn’t worth shit, so I never saw the show. Until Brynn arrived, I was limited on my choices of things to do other than keep my leg up.

Two hours later, Brynn opened and strolled through the door.

“Ooh, Gossip Girl. It’s still one of my favorite shows.”

“Oh wow. I got sucked in, and fast. I had no idea what time it was.” I propped up into a sitting position and smiled at her. For the first time since I’d met her, Brynn’s face was free of makeup, and I inwardly groaned. She was gorgeous without it too. Instead of jeans and a sweater, she’d opted for sweats and a matching sweatshirt.

“Are you ready to be spoiled and pampered?” she asked as she strolled into the kitchen for a glass of water.

“Well, I’m struggling a little. I don’t understand why it’s necessary. Holden didn’t tell me where we were going tonight, just that I needed to ...” I frowned, unable to articulate my feelings well. “I know he has money, Brynn, but I’m having a hell of a time dealing with him paying for a spa day. All he’s done is take care of me.” My throat grew tight, and my words trailed off. “I know about his sister, and we had words last night. Big ones.”

Her head snapped my way, eyes open wide and filled with curiosity. Brynn flew out of the kitchen and sat on the edge of the coffee table before I even had time to take a breath.

“Oh fuck. What did he tell you?” She clasped her hands together and placed them in her lap.

Brynn was smart as hell, and it was one reason that I liked her so much. She knew not to dive in and talk to me about Holden’s sister. She was testing the waters to see exactly what he’d said to me. It also told me she was loyal to her friends and their trust in her was important. I hoped I would earn the same loyalty from her someday. Just because I had to leave when my leg was better didn’t mean I couldn’t find a studio apartment nearby and still see her.

“He told me about the drugs and her living on the street. Holden also mentioned that she was afraid someone was following her, but he couldn’t find any proof. After she died in his arms ...” I massaged my forehead, grief for him clogging my throat. “He said he went to the cops, but they didn’t take his concern seriously.”

“It was awful. He was so broken, River.” She placed her palm over her heart. “Even though he acts like everything is fine, we know he isn’t okay. That was until you busted into his life a few weeks ago.” She grinned. “Sorry for the pun.” She gently tapped my cast.

“Really?” Holden had said the same thing to me, but for some reason, it made a difference coming out of Brynn’s mouth.

“Really. It’s like you turned the light on inside him again.” She crossed her legs at the ankles.

Heat traveled up my neck and cheeks. “It’s because my circumstances are so similar to Hannah’s, which I have a hard time with. I think it’s a chance for redemption, and when he feels better, he won’t have a need for me anymore.” Tears clouded my vision and I quickly looked down at my lap, hiding them from Brynn.

“I’m going to be blatantly honest with you. Yes, Holden sees a chance to do for you what he couldn’t do for Hannah. However, he’s very clear on the fact that you and Hannah are two different people. First of all, Hannah didn’t have your fight. She wasn’t feisty. Hannah kept everything bottled up inside until she wasn’t able to control her feelings anymore. They controlled her. I guess the best way to describe her personality was mousy. And you, River, are anything but. Holden loves that about you. We all do.”

Unable to hide my surprise, I grinned at her like an idiot. “I like you guys too,” I admitted.

“Good, because even after your leg is all better, you’re stuck with us.” Brynn stood and placed her hand on my knee. “Our group is very loyal to each other. Jace, Chance, Holden, and I have practically grown up together. We’re incredibly picky who we let into our circle, and you’re in it. We have so much respect for you, and I adore you. With those feelings comes some spoiling. We all have more money than sense, and it makes us feel good to take care of each other.” She held her palm out to me. “So, let’s go, babe. We have manicures, massages and facials scheduled in two hours, which gives us enough time to shop for a dress and heels for you. I’ll let you borrow some of my diamond earrings and a necklace.”

My mouth hung open. “Real diamonds?” My breath stuttered in my throat. She was trusting me with something valuable, which said a lot about how she saw me, which was as a worthy friend.

“Yep. Even if you leave us, we’re still going to be your family. You’re one of us now. Get used to it, River.”

My heart overflowed with more emotions than I could name. I’d always wanted a real family. A sister. I was so overwhelmed that they’d accepted me this fast that I missed the nagging feeling inside my gut.

Chapter Sixteen

Brynn held a dress up against me while I balanced on the crutches. “I think you’d look dick-hardening hot in this.”

I choked on my spit. “Not sure I want that kind of reaction from anyone, Brynn.”

She quirked an eyebrow at me. “Not even Holden?”

I glanced around the store. Brynn had seriously caught me off guard.

She put the dress back on the rack. “Listen, I know you’ve had some shitty experiences, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. Holden isn’t Dan.”

“I didn’t say he was,” I said defensively. “Sorry. That came out wrong. It’s just difficult to talk about.”

“I get it. I really do.” She paused, then beamed at me. “You and Holden are seriously cute with the little looks you give each other, though. Jace and I notice these things.” Brynn grinned at me, then selected an emerald-green cocktail dress and a navy one. “Let’s have you try these on.”

Grateful for the change in conversation, I crutched along behind her, my wheels spinning about Holden. I still thought he had feelings for me because of his sister, and they would fade quickly. If I were honest with myself, I wasn’t sure I wanted them to. I did want to be liked for me, though, and not because of my similarities to Hannah.

“All right, hot stuff. Let’s see what you’ve got.” Brynn grinned and stepped into the largest dressing room available.
