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I waited for her to come back out, but she didn’t. “Umm, are you coming out here?”

Brynn poked her head out. “Nope. We’ll be changing around each other a lot, so no embarrassment is allowed.” She waved me in. “Besides, I don’t want you to lose your balance and fall over trying to take your shirt off. Holden would ground me like a teenager if I let anything happen to you.” She laughed and ushered me in with a wave of her hand. “Come on, babe. We don’t have all day.”

The dressing room was large enough for both of us, and I sat down on the little seat that was anchored to the wall. I slipped off my worn tennis shoe, then shimmied out of my shorts. “I’m glad it’s warm in the store. Plus, I’m getting a helluva workout today.” I flexed my muscle, my small bicep bump showing. I threw my head back and laughed.

After another few minutes, I stood in front of the mirror in the navy dress.

“Damn, girl. You’ve got to stop hiding behind baggy clothes. You’re fucking hot as hell. I’d be happy to trade boobs with you.” Brynn gently patted my butt like we were on a football team together.

My brows shot up to my hairline and I wondered if Brynn smacked all her female friends on the ass.

“You’re having a sister experience.” She giggled, then opened the door. “Let’s get you in front of multiple mirrors so we can really see the dress. Sometimes it’s harder in the little rooms. Not to mention the lighting sucks.”

“It does, plus the space is tiny.” Although I’d been able to see the front of the dress, I couldn’t see the side or back. My stupid cast was also distracting me. I entered the hall and walked to the mirrors. I gasped. The lights were a lot better. “The dress is see-through!”

“It’s supposed to be. We’re going to buy you a sweet bra and panty set to wear beneath it. You’ll be fully covered.”

I struggled internally with the concept while my cheeks blazed with embarrassment.

“Or not. It’s okay, River. I’m used to dressing like this, but there’s no pressure. We can find you something you’re more comfortable in.” She walked toward me. “You’ll be with Holden, Jace, and me all night. No one will ever hurt you again.”

I hiccupped, unable to hide the fear that had blossomed inside my chest. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore, Brynn. I want to be … normal. Hell, I don’t even know what sex with someone I’m in love with is like. I’ve never orgasmed or had the chance to experiment and learn what I might enjoy. Every time I think I would like to, that fucking son of a bitch’s face is leering at me again.”

Brynn wrapped me in a hug. “I’m sorry. I never meant to upset or trigger you.” She pulled back and wiped away the tears that had escaped.

“I have no idea how to begin to heal.” I sniffled and attempted to pull myself back together.

Brynn cocked her head and closed one eye. “What about simply getting familiar with your body and what feels good?”

Puzzled, I frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Brynn leaned into me, then whispered in my ear. “A vibrator.”

My eyes popped open wide. “Never had the money for one, so I never considered it. I have no idea how to answer that question.”

“It might be a safe way for you to be in total control and see what you like and don’t.”

I chewed on my bottom lip, pondering the idea. “You think it might work?”

“It’s worth a try. If you don’t like it, no harm done. But if you’re open to it, we’ll go by Adam & Eve and I’ll help you pick something out.”

My brows shot up to my hairline. Shopping at a sex store seemed like it should be done in private. “Girls do that together?”

“Girls do shit like that together all the time,” she assured me.

I barked out a laugh. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but if we have enough time, I’m in.”

“Awesome. I need to pick up a few things as well.”

After another half an hour and four more dresses, I found the one I loved.

“It’s perfect,” Brynn gushed.

The dark green dress dipped low, revealing my back, but the front covered me fully. I’d never paid attention to the curves of my body before, but now I couldn’t ignore them. It accentuated my breasts, hips, and ass perfectly. Since I would be with Holden, Jace, and Brynn all night, I felt safe enough to wear it. I wondered if Holden would like it, too.

“Hang on. I’ll be right back.” Brynn hightailed it out of the dressing room, and in a few minutes, she returned with a pair of black heels with a peek-a-boo toe and ankle strap. “I checked the size of your Converse.” She beamed at me, then set the right shoe on the floor. “They’re not so high you’ll break your neck.”

“Ugh, the last thing I want is to hurt myself again.” I balanced on the crutches, then slipped my foot in it. Surprisingly, it was more comfortable than I’d anticipated.
