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“Yes, thank you.” A blush crept across my cheeks.

He closed the door, then my focus landed on the bar that was loaded with alcohol. I ran my fingertips over the soft, buttery leather and relaxed into the luxury of the vehicle. Music played through the sound system as the car started to move.

“Do you want a drink?” Brynn pulled out a bottle of vodka along with some orange juice.

I nodded. “I have a feeling I might need one or two.”

“If you drink too much, Holden will have to carry you around for the evening.” Brynn giggled softly. “You’ll see Chance tonight, too.”

Hell, I’d almost forgotten about Chance since I rarely saw him. “I haven’t spent much time with him yet, so it will be nice to get to know him better.”

“He’s a good guy.” Brynn’s tone carried a hint of something for her friend that I couldn’t identify.

Brynn made small talk as we drank our screwdrivers. Half an hour later, the limo stopped. I gathered my crutches as the back door of the car opened.

“Where are we?” I asked, staring into the night at a dark building.

“It’s safe. I promise.” Brynn hopped out of the vehicle and joined me.

“Ladies, after you.” Zayne motioned for us to proceed, and he fell into step behind us.

When we reached a brick wall, Brynn stopped and stood still. A little red light scanned her iris, then the wall opened.

“What the fuck?” I whispered.

Brynn didn’t answer as we walked down a dimly lit hall and stopped at a steel door. The scanner activated and Brynn stood still while it swept over her eye again.

The lock clicked, and she pushed it open. Blue, green, and purple strobe lights cut through the poorly lit room.

“Follow me!” she roared over the deafening noise of the music and people.

The floor vibrated beneath my foot and crutches, and a gentle hand landed on my left shoulder, steadying me.

“Are you all right?” Zayne asked near my ear.

I nodded, grateful he was there to catch me if I lost my balance.

Zayne was glued to my side as I followed Brynn. A techno version of “My Own Monster” by the X Ambassadors thumped through the club's speakers. Brynn led us around one of the dance floors and to an elevator. Once inside, I leaned against the wall as the doors slid closed. “He owns a club?” I asked her, still confused about why he thought I would have an issue with it. I’d love to dance as soon as my cast was off. Not only did I have friends, but a safe place to go now.

“Yes,” Brynn said as we arrived at the next floor. “This time, we used the back entrance, so you didn’t see the sign out front. It’s called 4 Play. This is the VIP section.”

I gawked at the club that seemed completely separate from the one we’d walked through minutes ago. “Futureproof” by Nothing But Thieves played, but instead of a packed dance floor, men and women were sitting on couches along the wall. Each of the six sections had their own gorgeous and scantily clad waitress in a white halter top and short black skirt that barely covered their ass cheeks. I had no clue how they worked all night in stilettos, but they seemed to be doing fine.

Brynn led us to the back corner, where I spotted Holden chatting with a shorter dark-haired guy. Holden threw his head back and laughed, then his eyes softened as his attention landed on me. He patted his friend on the shoulder and approached, his heated gaze assessing me. He swallowed hard, then placed his hands on his hips, his black suit jacket flapping behind him.

Suddenly my palms grew sweaty, and a strong desire I’d never felt before swirled in my lower belly. My head swam with the scent of his cologne, and my lips parted slightly. He ran his fingers through his short hair, and I imagined them roaming over me. I cleared my throat, attempting to rein in my sudden hormonal overdrive. I gripped my crutches tighter, mentally reminding myself that we were from different worlds, and he would break my heart if I allowed myself to feel anything for him. I’d had enough heartache in the last nineteen years. Sweeping my gaze over him, I settled on his focused eyes.

“You look stunning,” he said.

“Thank you.” My cheeks flushed, and a newfound heat coursed through my body. No guy had ever called me stunning. Bitch, slut, or loser, sure, but never stunning. In some ways, it was easier to deal with the harsh words than the nice ones. I knew how to fuel my anger to protect myself when someone was being an asshole, but not when they were kind. “It was all Brynn’s doing.”

“No, you can’t make someone this beautiful.” He cleared his throat and nodded to Zayne. They obviously knew each other.

“Let’s get you off the crutches.” Holden stepped to my side and placed his warm palm against the bare skin of my lower back. His gentle touch sent currents of electricity pulsating through me.

As we made our way to our section, my attention landed on a man with a blonde and brunette on either side of him. One lady was rubbing his crotch while he kissed the other. I quickly looked away, feeling strange that I was witnessing what should be a private moment.

“Here we are.” Holden indicated the curved, dark brown leather couches with three small round tables in front of them. Bottles of champagne were chilling in silver buckets and glass flutes were waiting for us. I sat down and nearly slid off the seat and onto the floor.
