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Holden laughed and caught me. “Sorry about that. They were cleaned before we opened.”

I eased my way to the center while Brynn joined me on one side and Holden on the other. Zayne stood silently, his arms at his sides and gaze attentive. I had to admit, I felt safer with him around.

Holden signaled to our waitress, and she popped the top on a bottle of bubbly and filled the glasses for us. I took a sip and nearly moaned. It was light and smooth.

“Drink up, girl.” Brynn laughed and clinked her flute against mine, then Holden’s.

The lighting was better here than downstairs, and I could see the other VIP sections. Men and women were laughing and drinking, and some were grinding on each other.

“Did you have a good day?” Holden asked, focusing on my neck.

“I did. Thank you.” I touched the necklace. “Brynn was sweet enough to loan me some jewelry for the evening.”

Holden glanced at Brynn, a look of understanding passing between them. Brynn nodded.

I took another sip of my drink, trying to relax. I was as uptight and nervous as a working girl in the back of a Southern church.

“It’s actually mine. I asked Brynn to give it to you. The diamond H lets others know you’re under my protection.”

Mortified, I was suddenly grateful I didn’t have any champagne in my mouth. I would have spewed it all over Holden on accident. “Protect me from what?”

Chapter Eighteen

Dark thoughts rolled into my mind, clouding my vision for a moment. What was Holden into?

“This business has some interesting characters, but when they see the necklace, they’ll understand that you’re off-limits. Men come here to hook up. I needed them to know that you aren’t a possibility.”

“We’ve got you taken care of.” Brynn reached over and squeezed my hand. I returned the gesture thankful she was with me. I released a slow breath. The necklace was a sign of protection. I was all right with that, especially while my leg was healing.

“We should dance.” A smile graced his mouth and my tummy flip-flopped. A part of me wanted to peel all of Holden’s layers away and see who he truly was. He’d offered me glimpses, but this man had as much darkness as light in him. The more time we spent together, the more intrigued I became.

“I can’t. I have my cast.” I pressed my lips together in frustration.

“Nonsense.” Holden stood and held his palm out to me. I slid my butt along the seat, then took his hand. He grabbed my crutches and helped me up, patiently waiting while I found my balance before he started walking. Completely confused about how this was going to work, I followed him.

“Watch your step,” he said, pointing at the two stairs.

“I don’t think sliding down them on my ass would exactly be appropriate in this dress.” I gave him a shy grin.

Holden hopped down the stairs, then faced me. He picked me up, then gently set my good foot on the dance floor. A squeal escaped me, but the music was too loud for anyone other than Holden to notice.

He guided me over to the side of the room, where he moved one of my hands to his shoulder. “Use me for balance.”

I leaned on him while he took my crutches and propped them against the wall.

“Take off your shoe.”

“What?” I laughed.

“Take off your shoe,” he repeated.

I gave him a quizzical look but removed it and scooted it over near the wall.

“Now, stand on my foot,” he ordered.

“Bossy much?” Apprehension tugged at my insides. “Holden, I’m going to hurt you.”

“You won’t, but please don’t stand on my other foot with your cast. That will hurt.” A wide grin played across his lips before he slid his arms around my waist and held me tightly. Once I was situated, he walked us backward into the center of the floor. I was sure the people on our side of the club could hear me giggling my ass off. I’d never danced with anyone before, and I was happy that my first time would be with Holden.
