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The next few months flew by, and we finally had a firm move-in date. The floors, sinks, counters, cabinets, and other details had all been selected and had arrived. I was nearly giddy as I witnessed all of the details and hard work fall into place. Catherine had also chimed in when we asked her opinion. She had fabulous taste, and I was happy that she wanted to help.

Catherine and I had grown closer, and Holden and I supported her as she began divorce proceedings. Tim claimed he was overseas working, but he would return in two weeks. Thank God we’d be moving then, and I could easily avoid him since I’d be busy at our new home.

Holden only had a few classes left to take, then he would graduate. I’d decided to continue classes over the summer as well. I was behind schedule and wanted to get caught up before the fall.

The day I was able to ditch the cane, Holden took me dancing. Brynn, Chance, and Jace went with us to a few other clubs, then back to 4 Play. It was interesting to see how 4 Play was steps above the others we’d seen, but that night had also sparked some ideas.

Holden and I worked well together. He listened to my suggestions, and I never took it personally when he said no. He’d done a hell of a job with the club before I ever came along. At the same time, it did feel pretty amazing when he did make the changes I’d suggested.

Shuffling through papers at my desk, I was suddenly overwhelmed with nausea. The closer we got to Tim arriving, the more my stress was showing up physically.

I took a sip of water, but it wasn’t working. Sweat dotted my forehead as my stomach churned. I jumped out of my office chair and ran to the bathroom, barely reaching the toilet in time before I unloaded my lunch. My leg strap sheath poked me, and I took comfort knowing my knife was there. The weapon would be easier to reach than rummaging through my purse for the taser or mace.

Shaking, I stood and leaned against the counter. I turned on the cold water, the creak of the faucet annoying me. I hated when I was sick. Every noise and smell made me feel like shit. I washed my face and pulled out the toothbrush and toothpaste Holden and I had stashed in our office bathroom. As soon as the mint hit my tongue, I hurled again. Grateful it was over the sink and not on the floor, I rinsed my mouth out and placed my hand against the wall for support.

I needed to go home, but I would be alone. Catherine had left two days ago for a business trip. Maybe Zayne could be inside the house with me. I would have to ask Holden where Zayne was since I no longer needed a bodyguard while at work.

I carefully made my way back to my desk and opened the drawer. I’d finally gotten used to carrying a purse, and most of the time, I left my phone inside of it. I grabbed my cell and typed Holden a text. Since he was in meetings, I wasn’t sure how soon he would respond. Unwilling to wait, I messaged Brynn.

I’m sick, and I need to go home, but I’m nervous about being alone. Maybe Zayne could join us at the house later, but for now, I needed my bed.

Brynn’s name flashed across my screen. Can you drive yourself there?

No. Zayne drove me, and I have no idea where he is. Holden’s in meetings and not answering his messages.

My phone vibrated with her reply. I’m on my way. Hang tight. Do you need anything from the store?”

Crackers and 7 Up would be wonderful.

Little black dots flickered on my screen. Oh shit, babe. Do you have a stomach bug?

I think it’s just stress with everything going on.

I waited for her response.

Stress is a bitch. On the bright side, Catherine keeps a stash of saltines and soda at the house. I know where they are. I’m almost to 4 Play. Hang tight.

I tapped out a message for Holden, letting him know that Brynn was picking me up and taking me home.

I gathered my purse and laptop and waited for Brynn to arrive. Fifteen minutes later, the sound of a soft knock at the door filled the room. Still shaky, I made my way over to it and looked through the peephole. Even though it was an office, Holden never wanted to be caught off guard. I didn’t either.

Brynn waited in the hallway, and I let her in, my head spinning.

“Fuck! Girl, you look like shit.”

I leaned against the doorframe, hoping I wasn’t going to puke again. “Thanks. I feel like shit, too.”

“I’ve got you covered. I grabbed a barf bag and put it in the car just in case. My little sister had her wisdom teeth removed and they sent her home with a few. She’s all healed now, so I figured she wouldn’t miss them.”

“Thanks.” I locked my office behind me and hugged the wall as we made it to the elevator.

“When did you start feeling bad?” Brynn wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked, steadying me.

“I’ve been nauseous off and on for a few weeks. The closer it gets to Tim arriving, the sicker I’ve gotten.”

“Have you told Holden?” Brynn pushed the button for the main floor.

“No. He’s dealing with enough. Most of the time it’s only for an hour, and I’ve never hurled.”
