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Brynn remained quiet as she stared at me. “Let’s get you home and see if we can get you feeling better.” She placed the back of her hand against my forehead. “No fever.”

I gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry I interrupted your day, but I love you for keeping me company.”

“Girl, please. It’s what family does for each other.” She winked at me as the elevator arrived.

Somehow, I managed to not blow chunks all over Brynn’s red Jaguar, but the minute we were home, I puked until I dry heaved.

Brynn was an amazing nurse and helped me get settled on the couch downstairs in the basement. She gave me a little 7 Up in a glass and ensured I didn’t gulp it. She also grabbed a trash bag and laid it on the floor next to me, along with a plastic trash can. There was no way I had anything left in my stomach, but the last thing I wanted to do was puke all over the gorgeous rug.

I groaned as Brynn sat at the opposite end of the couch, and I curled up on my side, clutching the pillow she’d brought me.

“Will it bother you if I turn on the TV quietly?” She rubbed my leg, concern etched into her gorgeous face.

“No, it will be a good distraction.” I sipped my soda, the carbonated bubbles tickling my nostrils.

“Hopefully you can fall asleep for a while.” She opened her purse and fished out her phone. “I’ll text Holden again.”

I nodded, my eyelids drooping. “Thanks, Brynn. Love ya tons.”

“I know, babe. I know.”

I woke to the soft sound of voices and a sharp pain in my neck. Sitting up, I searched the room, my gaze landing on Holden and Brynn talking in the kitchen.

“There she is.” Holden smiled warmly at me and approached the couch. “How are you feeling?” He kissed my forehead.

“I want to kiss you, but I might be contagious.” I rubbed my stomach, suddenly hungry. “I’d like to try some 7 Up and crackers.” I pulled my knees up and propped my chin up. “I’m feeling okay at the moment.”

“If you can’t keep soda down by tomorrow, we need to get you to the doctor. As much as you puked, I don’t want you to get dehydrated.” Holden smoothed my hair, worry flashing in his brown eyes.

“I’m sure it’s just a twenty-four-hour bug.”

Brynn brought over a plate with a few crackers on it.

“You’re an awesome nurse.” I grinned at her and accepted my dinner. I nibbled around the edge of one, then swung my legs in front of me so I could sit up better and not choke.

“I have younger siblings. It’s part of the gig.” She sat down near my feet again, and Holden grabbed a chair from the table and brought it over.

I wanted to put my head in his lap, but if I puked, I would be really embarrassed.

I glanced at Holden. “Do you have meetings again tomorrow?” Although I realized they were necessary, I didn’t like the fact I hadn’t been able to reach him.

“Yeah. Babe, I’m so sorry I didn’t receive the texts on time. I added you to my favorites list, and from now on you can text and call even if I have the do not disturb on. I have no excuse except that my brain was on the meeting, and I fucked up.” He took my hand and kissed my palm.

“It’s okay. Brynn came to my rescue.” I offered him a queasy smile.

“She’s going to stay with you tomorrow. I don’t like leaving you here by yourself when you’re not feeling well.”

Tears pricked my eyes. “Thank you both. I’ve never had anyone give a shit before.” My focus bounced from Holden to Brynn, my heart full of gratitude and love for my new family.

After I realized the crackers and soda were settling well, I ate a few more. It was a little after midnight before I felt it was safe to go to bed.

“River, I’ll be over around nine tomorrow morning. It seems like you’re turning the corner, but it will be good to hang out.”

“Sounds awesome. Thanks again.” I waved at Brynn as Holden walked her upstairs and to the door.

I leaned forward and stood slowly. Although my stomach felt better, I was still a little dizzy.

“Hang on, babe,” Holden said, hurrying down the stairs.
