Page 10 of Thunderstruck

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“Right. I’ve got it.”

“Good. Talk to you later.”

My eyes are drawn to the man coming in the door and they narrow on him. There’s just something about him that I don’t like but I can’t put my finger on it.

He’s the right height. Right build. He walks up to Allie and my eyes sharpen when I realize that this must be her new client.

He smiles and it’s charming and all but it doesn’t reach his eyes. They stay cold and bitter. Like the end of summer.

He holds his hand out to shake her smaller one and I can see that she’s put off by him but she still shakes his hand.

They walk off together and I follow along behind, keeping an eye on them both even as I watch the rest of the gym.

There’s a lot going on. I can see two people arguing good-naturedly by the ellipticals. I can see people waiting impatiently to use the stair climbers.

A woman grunts and pulls hard as she works on the rowing machine. I’ve done those and it’s easy to lose yourself in the workout. It uses all your muscles and has no impact. I do one at least twice a week.

She doesn’t look like she’s as happy though. Sweat drips down her face and she’s struggling.

I turn back around and panic. I can’t find Allie. At least not right away. I find her eventually over by the less-used weight benches. She’s smiling at the man as he effortlessly pushes at least one hundred pounds over his head. I can see that she’s analyzing him, checking to see how fit he is.

She glances over at me and there’s something strange in her eyes. But when I go to step over to them, she shakes her head and I lean back into the wall, growling under my breath.

She better not be doing anything stupid. I’ll spank the hell out of her. Before I kiss her.



The guy’s weird but I don’t think he’s the killer. His eyes are a dark brown and that guy’s was grey.

I talk to him while I evaluate his strengths and weaknesses. He’s impressive, I’ll give him that.

“How many hours are you spending at the gym now?”

“Not as many as I’d like.”

That’s one of the things I don’t like. He’s trying to get help with his workout and I can’t get anything out of him.

Sighing, I step back.

“You know… if you don’t want to do this, we can stop right now.” I wish I didn’t sound as bitchy as I do right now. I never act like this but my temper is pretty close to boiling. I didn’t sleep very well last night and I’m not sure whether it was the dreams about the guy chasing me or the dreams about Raymond slipping into the room with me, his dark eyes bright with hunger.

He sits up and wipes the sweat off of him. “Yeah. I’m not sure this was a good idea. I usually like to work on things by myself. I considered getting some help but I think I’ve got this.”

I nod and watch him stand, plastering a smile on my face. “That’s alright. Some people just like to work out by themselves. It’s nothing to be upset about. I wish you good luck although, really, I think you’re doing well by yourself.”

He smirks and there’s something ugly in his eyes that I don’t like.

“Thanks, I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

Then he grabs his things and stalks out the door. Before he’s even cleared the door, Raymond is standing by me. “What was up with that guy?”

“I don’t know.” I shake my head and shrug. “He just didn’t seem like the kind of guy that likes to listen to a trainer and every time I tried to talk to him about his regimen, he didn’t want to answer. Hard to get a read on him.”

“What was his name?” I pull out a notebook and hold a pen up, waiting.

“Jasper Wright.”
