Page 11 of Thunderstruck

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He writes it down and then smiles. “Wasn’t that your last client today?”


“Good, we can go home.”

“Okay. But I think you’re wasting your time. I don’t think I need a babysitter. This guy probably knows that I don’t know a damn thing about him.”

“We’ll see how things go. We can swing by your place and pick up some of your things but for right now, you’re stuck with me.”

“Terrific,” I growl and roll my eyes. Rubbing my head, I turn to walk to the back of the gym. “I’m gonna take a quick shower and get cleaned up.” Whipping around at the door, I hold my hand up and hit him in the chest, feeling my palm tingle from the warm heat of his skin. “And you’re not coming in with me. I think I’ll be safe back here.”

He grunts and then moves to stand with his back to the wall, watching all the other patrons.

I stomp inside and then wash up quickly. Drying my hair, I let my thoughts drift. Raymond is a puzzle. Sometimes I think he likes me. Other times I think I piss him off. He’s gorgeous and sexy as hell. But there’s also something a little intimidating about him. He’s got a commanding air about him that sets my back up. I don’t want someone telling me what to do or who to see. I’m my own person. I don’t need that macho kind of shit.

When I step outside the locker room, he’s standing with his back to the room. He turns when I move to stand next to him.

“Let’s go, tiger.”


“Yep.” He cups his hand around my elbow and I feel the little slivers of electricity zipping along under his fingers. “Cause you’re pretty and sleek and suspiciously dangerous even though for the most part I don’t think you look like you are. Dangerous I mean.”

Snorting, I let him lead me out the door. I smile at the other trainer and he nods good-bye to me.”

Funny. I think he’s pretty damn dangerous. All that bulky, well-built masculinity makes me feel tiny and soft. Safe and protected from everything that might hurt me. It’s a heady feeling and I gotta admit I like it. I like how tiny I feel next to his big body.

We pull into my apartment and I smirk. “You know. I really think this whole thing is unnecessary. Nobody’s out to get me.

Five minutes later, I’m wondering what the hell just happened.

My home looks like a tornado wrecked it. My couch is shredded into long strips of fabric, like a shredder tore it apart.

I turn my head and wince when I see that my dishes are all one the floor, broken into sharp shards that look deadly. I step gingerly deeper into the mess and then open my bedroom door.

“Oh my god,” I hiss, my eyes watering, my breath wheezing out of my tight chest.

“Let’s get out of here. The crime scene guys are not their way. You don’t need to be here for that.”

Raymond tugs me into his arms and I have to struggle not to wail into his broad, warm chest. He pulls at my unresisting body. “Come on. It’s okay, baby. It’s all gonna be alright.”

I wish I believed that. I really do. Cause right now it feels like I’m careening down a hill in a runaway car, just waiting for the inevitable crash.

He leads me to his car and we leave without taking a single thing. Fuzz fills my brain and I struggle to breathe. Until Raymond pulls over alongside the road to the mall.

“Hey, hey. Don’t worry. You’re gonna be okay. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

One single sob is forced out and then a tidal wave of tears rolls over me.

He holds me tighter and the masculine scent of him relaxes me, lulls me into a stupor.

His big hands settle me back to where he can look at me. He holds out a tissue and watches as I blow my nose and clean up. Then he throws it in a bag on the floor.

“We’re gonna go to my place, we’re gonna put in a stupid movie and laugh and I’m gonna order a pizza. I’m gonna take care of you, you’re not gonna lift a finger. And then I’m gonna tuck you into bed and you’re gonna sleep. And I’ll be there while you sleep. Nothing and no one is ever going to hurt you. Believe me. You believe me, don’t you?”

And the only answer I can give is. “Yes.” Because I really think that I trust Raymond Fairchild with my whole life.

