Page 16 of Thunderstruck

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“His name is Hondo.”

“What the hell kind of name is that?” I snort.

“Last name. No first name that he knows.”

“Okay. You said it’s the same building. Let’s get some guys over there and talk to him.”

“I want you to talk to him. Now.”

I glance outside and see that the sun’s still hours away from coming up. “Captain. I can’t leave her all alone here.”

“I’ll send a black and white to watch her. You need to handle this.”

“Yes, sir.”

My heart sinks into my belly and unease trickles ice cubes down my back. I don’t want to leave. But you don’t tell the captain no.

I slip into clothes and watch her sleeping in the bed, shifting and whimpering slightly. Like she knows that I’m leaving her.

I sigh soundlessly and make my way out of the house, closing the door silently behind me.

Jax is outside in a car. He nods at me and I cross to him. “You make sure you keep an eye on this house. Don’t go to sleep.” My voice is harsh, my eyes hard. But this is my angel I’m trusting him with and I can’t leave knowing that he doesn’t understand what a precious woman he’s protecting.

“Don’t worry, man. I’ve got this.” I nod and stalk to my car, guiding it to the address on the phone. I pull up to the building and watch it for a second, seeing Derek moving in the shadows.

I walk to him and nod. “He still up there?”

“Yeah. I’ve got a bad feeling about him.”

I nod and walk up the stairs, grabbing my gun out and holding it in my hand. I make it up to the door and then stand to the side, knocking lightly at first then harder when no one answers.


Knocking even louder, I swear under my breath.

After another minute I growl under my breath when I hear nothing except a very loud radio coming out of the room.

Growling and losing patience, I lift my foot and slam it into the door twice, knocking it open. ACDC roars through the radio but no other sound comes from the room. Slipping inside I work my way soundlessly through the rooms. Not finding anything until I get to the bedroom.

“Shit!” I put my gun away and pick up my phone. “Captain? This guy is dead. He’s probably been dead for at least a couple of hours.” I make my way around the room and dig around, hoping to find something to link him to the mayor or Allie and the gym.

Instead I find a picture that makes my heart skip a beat.The bastard from the gym. The weird one that hasn’t come in again.He’s got his arm wrapped around the guy that’s lying dead in the bed. There’s love as they gaze into each other’s eyes.

More pictures of the two of them are piled around the room on every surface. They show clearly that they were together for awhile.

“This guy knew the guy from the gym. The one I told you about that I couldn’t get a good read on.”

“See anything else useful?”

I pick up a piece of paper on the dresser and wince. “An eviction notice.”

“The mayor owns that building. He owns that whole block.”

“So this guy is getting evicted and his boyfriend is pissed and goes after the mayor. Maybe meaning to scare him and it gets out of hand. Allie said that the mayor got a message in the gym.”

“Probably from him.”

“Wonder why the hell he killed him? If he loved the guy?”
