Page 17 of Thunderstruck

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“I don’t know. Maybe he wasn’t super keen on his lover killing someone.” My head comes up. “Shit! Jax! Tell Jax he’s on his way there. He’s gonna do a runner and he’s trying to clear everything up first!”

I race out the door and hang up on the captain, my shaking hands dialing my home phone. It just keeps ringing and ringing. I call her cell phone and she doesn’t answer. It just keeps ringing.“Allie! Pick up! Baby, please! He’s coming!”

She doesn’t get the phone and I get to my car, swinging it around wildly, hitting my sirens and swearing under my breath. It’s early so the traffic is light. But I can’t drive any faster and it’s killing me.

“Come on, wake up, baby! Wake up and get out!”

I reach the house and groan when I see that all the lights are out. I leave the front porch light on and it’s off.

The power is cut. Which means he’s here. With my angel.



Iwake quickly, my shoulder jerking. But I don’t move. Except for my hand. I reach behind me but can’t find Ray’s big body. My head lifts and turns slightly and I can see that he’s not here. At the same time I see a shadow in the living room and my heart climbs into my throat.

The shadow. The shadow from my dreams that’s come to get me. Stealthy as a piece of the night, he moves across the room and I groan, seeing that he’s heading right to the bedroom.

I slide under the covers and then down to the floor on the other side of the bed lightly. Crouching, I move through the dark, my heart hammering, my body so taut that it feels like I’m going to break any second. I don’t even have time to wonder where the hell Ray is. Or why he left.

I just need to get out. Need to live.

The one thing I do know is that is not what this guy wants.

I creep around and get to the side of the door but I can’t get out until he comes in the room. I’m trapped until he gets way closer to me than I want him to be.

Tires squeal out front and there’s a hammering up the sidewalk. I hear a muttered “Shit!”

He runs to the room and as soon as he clears the door I dart out of the room. But my timing is off and I trip on the floor and drop painfully to my knees.

My breath whooshes out of me and then he’s on me. His big body presses into me and his fingers wrap around my throat. Struggling, I groan and shove at him, rolling us so that I’m on top and he’s still pressing at my windpipe. I can’t breathe and it feels like my chest is on fire.

I hear screaming and for a minute I think it’s me but I can’t say anything. Blackness tugs at my vision, white fireworks exploding behind my eyeballs.

Then I’m free and I’m gasping for air, my fingers scrabbling at my throat. Gasping, moaning and retching, I drop to the floor, sucking in air.

Two bodies crash into me and I roll away from them as my head reels. Grunting, growling and thuds of flesh hitting flesh to my side are all I hear in the dark.

I stumble to the light switch and swear when nothing happens. “Are you kidding me?” I rasp, coughing when my throat protests.

I grab a lamp off the coffee table and move closer to the thumping sounds.

“Ray?” I whisper. I see one of the figures come up and growl.

“Dammit! Get out of here, Allie!”

The other figure writhes under him and I slam the lamp on his head, smirking with satisfaction when the fight stops.

Stumbling, I fall to my knees. “There, bastard. I don’t need anybody to save me.”

Raymond stands up and pulls me into his arms, his lips finding mine in the dark. Then he pushes me away from him. “What the hell were you thinking? Why didn’t you get out of here when I told you to?”

I stiffen in his arms. “I don’t need you to save me. I can save myself. I’m not some little priss. I’m not a princess that’s going to stand by and wait for the prince to save me. If I have to, I’ll save myself.”

“I was here and I had a gun. He had a damn knife! Use your head!”

“I can’t rely on anybody else but myself.”
