Page 3 of Thunderstruck

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I wash quickly and jump out of the shower. I need to get my head on straight because there’s no way in hell that I can catch the bad guys if I’m wondering how good her skin smells and what her bare thighs look like.

That way lies madness.

Slipping into my suit, I straighten my pants up as well as I can, groaning when my aching dick threatens to get caught in my zipper. I take a deep breath and picture baseball stats and my granny blowing me a kiss and that quickly deflates that problem.

I love my granny but I sure as hell don’t feel the same about kissing her as I do Allie.

I pace as slow as I can, literally dragging my feet as I walk out the door, hoping for one last glimpse of my hottie but she remains elusive.

I’ve got time. There’s no way that I’m gonna just drop this. People will tell me that I’m insane but I know, deep down inside, that Allie is my person. She’s the one that’s meant for me.

Now all I have to do is make it through another day without her and try and figure out how the hell to get her attention.

It’s a pretty tall order but I’m up for the challenge.

She’s mine. Even if she doesn’t know it yet.



Ishut the lights off and make sure one more time that everything is all clean and straightened up. Then I sigh and step out of the door, closing it soundlessly behind me.

Straightening my aching body, I walk away from the door. I’ve never been so stinking tired in my whole life.

I had to pull a double today and open and close. One of the new hires is sick and I’m the only one on the team that doesn’t have someone so I’m always the one up to bat when there’s a need.

I don’t begrudge anybody that but it sure would be nice not to get all of these shitty schedules.

My head jerks around and I narrow my eyes.Plop!There it is. The sound that I heard. My ears perk up and I stop in my tracks. The sound stops and it feels like the air around me stills, like someone or something is holding its breath and waiting for me to start moving again.

After a minute, I start walking again but my hands shake and I move to hold my keys between my fingers the way I learned in self defense classes.

All the better to poke your eyes out, asshole!I know for a fact that I’m gonna fight light hell if anyone ever touches me.

There’s nothing. No sound at all which is almost as unnerving as thinking that I heard something.

The parking lot is empty and lit with a few street lights. There are dark corners everywhere I look where someone could hide. My eyes dart back and forth and I scramble to get to my car.

Something moves out of the corner of my eye and I jerk to a stop, holding my hand carefully at my side with the keys where I can use them. I turn slowly and my eyes widen, my heart slamming to a stop.

There’s one car that I missed at the edge of the lot and when I see it, I also see the guy lying on the ground behind it. And the faceless man beside him. The man in a dark hoodie and ski mask who stands up slowly when he sees me spot them. The man holding a gleaming knife in his hand and carelessly stepping over the man with his open eyes staring.

Backing away, I open my mouth, trying to scream but my throat feels like it’s being gripped closed by icy fingers.

He stalks closer and I scramble to get to the other side of the car, as far away from him as I can get and with the comforting bulk of my car in between us. My hand shakes and my eyes lock on his steel-grey, cold eyes as he steps into the light beside the car.

Swearing, I drop the keys and then pick them up, stabbing them into the car door before I even get to my feet. I jerk the door open and climb in, slamming the door behind me and locking it.

The dark shadow races for the door and jerks at it, pulling his hand back repeatedly to slam it into the window. The gloved hand holding the knife glinting in the light comes up and he glowers at me.

Sobbing, I manage to finally shove the key into the ignition with my shaking fingers. I slam my gas pedal to the floor and the car slams into motion so quick that it slams me backwards in the seat.

Tires squeal as I pull out onto the road and jerk the wheel crazily, almost driving straight into an oncoming car. Without even pausing, I straighten out and hammer the gas pedal again. All I can think is that I want to get home and lock my door, locking out what I just saw and the man, the shadow who knows what I look like.

I’m a mile down the road when I notice the flashing lights in my rearview mirror.

“Oh shit!” I slowly slip my foot off the gas pedal and glide to the side of the road. The car pulls up behind me and a dark shadow slips out. There are no streetlights around us and my heart ratchets up, the image of that man burned into my brain.
